Monday, December 13, 2010

A sad story of intersecting smiles

So once again the venerable Daily Hampshire Gazette has demonstrated poor taste, or perhaps their layout editor was simply suffering from a "senior moment." Most Amherst readers will recognize the smiling woman--or at least her distinctive name--dominating today's top right half of page B-3 local section, which is usually dominated by Amherst news.

As a former practicing Irish Catholic I know you are supposed to turn the other cheek, forgive and forget and all that. After all, it was a tragic accident.

But the Gazette should have considered how friends and family of slain cyclist Misty Bassi would feel seeing the smiling photo of the woman who ran her down and then ran away.

This photo op comes at a particularly disconcerting time, since this Christmas will only be their second one without Misty--a young woman who had a beautiful smile and, so I'm told, a personality to match.


  1. Name that one the Amherst insider smile.

    Nearly every one of them wears one because nearly every one of them has done something really bad and gotten away with it.

  2. To err human, to forgive divine?

  3. What would you have her do, Larry?
    Sit in her apt wearing black and wither away in her few remaining years? She's on probation, still in pain from that awful day, yet trying to do good with the time she has left. Misty's family have shown understanding and forgiveness, why can't you move on and cut her a little slack?

  4. So once again the venerable larry kelley has demonstrated poor taste, or perhaps his layout editor was simply suffering from a "senior moment."

  5. And once again we have that pointed out by an Anon

  6. I actually agree with Larry here.

    Apparently, since UMass students aren't people, we needn't worry when one kills one. After all, Amherst doesn't believe in liberal (small "l") values anymore...

    Every picture of that woman ought to have "convicted killer" appended to it...

  7. "After all, Amherst doesn't believe in liberal (small "l") values anymore..."


    They convinced many to move here based upon a lie that it EVER existed in the first place.

    And for that, someone has to be held accountable... at least from now on.

    No more lies about our schools' greatness, no more lies about ethical and fair town politics, no more lies about tolerance for all, no more lies about rich diversity, no more lies about caring for social justice, no more lies about progressiveness, no more lies about openness, no more lies about transparency, no more lies about desirability, no more lies about neighborly friendliness, no more lies about affordability.

    Remove this town's clothes. See this unclean and ugly insider's prostitute as she really is.

  8. Geez ... you'd think we live in Noo Yawk City. There are a few good people here.

    Lighten up, people. I'm sure that old lady is suffering more than you know. And no, I'm not sure I could forgive her if it were one of my daughters.

  9. Anybody on this blog seen the inside of a church lately?

  10. Been on the lookout for the absolute worst in the human spirit?

    The utmost in hubristic cowardice?

    A place where people show just how awful they can be?

    Wondering just how low you can go? Want to hang out with people who simply cannot admit that they too can make mistakes? Looking for a land beyond forgiveness?

    Well, buddy, you've come to the right place.

  11. How right on you are.

  12. I don't think the photo is a problem. She went through the court system and is free to live her life, even if we may disagree with the court's decision. There is no reason for her to wear a scarlet letter and be banished from public or from the media. However, the Gazette certainly could have chosen a better headline than "Going to Market."
