Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This one's for you Spc. Jonathan M. Curtis

Sometime soon Amherst Town Meeting will discuss "Bring the war dollars home" resolution recently endorsed by our Sister People's Republic, Northampton.

The article, placed on the warrant by Ruth Hook who also created a bit of a buzz last year with the Welcoming Gitmo Detainees to Amherst resolution, failed this time to get the endorsement of the illustrious Select Board who voted 4-1 to "not take a position".

Best summed up by rookie member, and history professor during his day job, Jim Wald who said: "I think there are better things to do with our time." Indeed.

But, Town Meeting will pontificate for over an hour then pass it rather handily, thus demonstrating how out-of-touch somebody is in town government.

Scary thing is these people are also in charge of a $60 million budget.


  1. Larry, what happened to the US Flag that was supposed to be flown in front of Town Hall? We were both there at that meeting on September 10, 2001 and it is 9 years later and I still don't see a flagpole, and now the US Flag stuck out the window is gone too...

  2. Yeah, I remember the one sticking out of the window half way up Town Hall at a 45 degree angle for a few years.

    Anne Awad complained that it looked like some trapped individual signally for help.

  3. Same old same old failed anything goes agenda wrapped in hundred dollar bills...

    Custom made for Prozac sucking anarchists living the dream in mirage utopias everywhere:

    "Also central to our work is education on the environmental destruction of war, including devastating health effects already being seen in Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition, social justice concerns such as racism, labeling and “profiling” need to be replaced by compassion, understanding, celebrating diversity, and human rights for everyone. Together we can achieve a return to world-wide respect of America.

    Although our members have divergent political perspectives, we are committed to the power of community. We have a voice. If you can visualize peace, justice and converting the United Stated back to a healthy, vibrant economy that is environmentally friendly, please give us your voice, too."

    Viva la Prozac revolution!!!

  4. Some of these people strap bombs to themselves and run into crowded buildings. Others cut people's heads off while they are still breathing. If you have compassion for that, pack your sh!t and move there.

    Ruth Hook should be committed.

  5. Yeah Larry, they don't call it Happy Valley for nothing. At least they're not under the delusion that Spc. Curtis death kept them free.

    The best memorial to Spc. Curtis is bringing the troops home so that no more are killed. Of course, then Larry won't have another fallen hero to commemorate.

    As you made known to me, you are too old to follow the colors. Maybe Ed will be a hero. Nah, just another chickenhawk.

    Gee Larry, how come you haven't attacked the cowardly anons on this thread?

  6. "Some of these people strap bombs to themselves and run into crowded buildings. Others cut people's heads off while they are still breathing. If you have compassion for that, pack your sh!t and move there.

    Ruth Hook should be committed."

    Cross-eyed Ruthie wanted to impeach Bush for "torture".

    Yet her messiah, Broke Insane O'rama, is using unmanned drones to murder Pakistani women and children by the thousands!

    Women and children who could be alive today if it weren't for complete morons, like her.

    Hey Ruth, the Pushtoons thank you from the bottom of their raging, furious hearts...

    As a matter of fact, I'm sure they'd rather tell you in person.
    As would Osama Bin Laden...

  7. We are now in America's longest war, with no end in sight. There are no winnable goals. Or even definable goals at this point. Bankrupty ourselves on foreign wars is something the founding fathers warned against.

  8. Jesus, you'd think the town had nothing better to do? Aren't we in the shitter financially?

  9. Maybe Ed will be a hero. Nah, just another chickenhawk.

    Or maybe the details of what he did when he was young are classified & he can't talk about them. We will never know....

  10. The hostility expressed toward Ms. Hooke is really out of line.

  11. another three years in Afghanistan, F it all, WTF?

  12. Maybe Ed will be a hero. Nah, just another chickenhawk.

    Or maybe the details of what he did when he was young are classified & he can't talk about them. We will never know....

    Is this Ed commenting? sounds like a previous Ed claim.
