Monday, November 29, 2010

Party House of the Weekend

All was quiet on the Western Front this past weekend as most of the party hardy types went home for Thanksgiving. No $300 Nuisance House or Noise Bylaw tickets issued.

So my winner this week is a 2006 black Toyota driven off the road by a 29-year-old male who was charged with texting while driving and operating under the influence. Yikes!
And on another (sour) note: Amherst Police know the identity of the Antonio's pizza perp, but at the moment can't charge him with anything. I guess this is where a local politician decides "there ought to be a law," and files legislation to make it a crime to order lots of pizzas and not bother to pay for them


  1. Looks like it was pretty quiet this weekend - only three break-ins, according The Gazette. My house was robbed last Thanksgiving weekend, which was ironically the only time we remembered to lock the doors.

    Of course, I moved from a house that was clearly inhabited by college students to one that looks like grown-ups live in it, so that probably helps.

  2. Yes it surely does. The three break ins all look student related, unlike the ones that have South Amherst on edge.

    Still...kind of a weird headline/article: something did NOT happen and that is news.

    Man bites dog routine I guess.

  3. Hey Larry-
    Hear anything about the lunatic that broke into Umass' Central Heating Plant, ransacked it caused extensive damage?? I know police and fire were on scene for quite a while.. but it never made the paper... Just curious

  4. Incubating in Amherst, infecting the world:
