Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Change indeed

So the Gazette today reports the Amherst Chamber of Commerce doling out their annual awards at an upcoming expensive dinner party and former Amherst Bulletin 'Amherst Center' columnists Baer Tierkel, Andy Churchill and Clare Bertrand are receiving the "change agent award."

Not bad considering they were cut from their rotation at the Amherst Bulletin for failing to disclose conflicts of interest during the election last spring. And about the only "change" they will be tenaciously gerrymandering this coming election is to defeat Catherine Sanderson for School Committee.


  1. Larry, obviously you've seen a lot. From time to time I agree with your perspective on things. So I ask you, what the hell is up with this? Please tell it like it is, if you don't mind. Will greatly appreciate you answer. To my mind, it feels very wrong.

    Thanks Larry.

  2. No problem.

    I take journalism V-E-R-Y seriously and adhere--sometimes at great cost--to the basic, fundamental tenets.

    The 'Amherst Center' column written by these three folks has appeared in the venerable Amherst Bulletin since March, 2006 in the same rotation I occupied (and was actually paid for) over 14 years--the last Friday of the month.

    But the Amherst Center column NO longer appears since right around this past May, for journalistic transgressions.

    Yet the column was a major part of their collective, errr, Mojo--and apparently contributed to this award.

    And I just don't think bad behavior should be rewarded.

    Any questions? Feel free to ask, but I'd be a tad more impressed if you left your name.

  3. Hi Larry,

    "for journalistic transgressions."

    Can you elaborate please?

    "Yet the column was a major part of their collective, errr, Mojo--and apparently contributed to this award."

    If that's true then why would they be receiving it?

    And who in the Amherst Chamber of Commerce is responsible for picking award recipients?


    Bernard Thompson

  4. Funny thing there "Bernard" but you don't seem to have much of a Google footprint.

  5. Hi Larry,

    Do I need a foot print to receive an answer?



  6. Well "Bernard", perhaps you should read the original Gazette article (I would post a link but they hide behind a paywall.)

    According to the article: "All were selected through a nomination process, Maroulis said."

    That would be Chamber director Tony Maroulis talking. So I assume he had some input.

    And, amazingly, he too just happens to be a Bulletin columnist--although currently in good standing.

  7. God damn Amherst, is there any part of you that isn't corrupt?

  8. Is there any place for humility and modesty in Amherst politics? Or are we embarked on an endless round of mutual congratulation? And for what?

    For the rest of us:

    The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die...........of expanding the tax base of the town of Amherst, in a way that is consistent with our values and dreams for a better tomorrow here.

    And no fraternal pissing contest over the current condition of our schools between people who should be together in this much more significant effort will divert us.

  9. Bernard Thompson is the hotel manager in "Pretty Woman".

    Right, Bernie?

  10. It's the three stooges getting a stooge award.

  11. "Is there any place for humility and modesty in Amherst politics? Or are we embarked on an endless round of mutual congratulation? And for what?"

    Is there a place for humility and modesty in Amherst period?


  12. "God damn Amherst, is there any part of you that isn't corrupt?"


    Broken Record that has Nothing New to Add

  13. You want something new?

    Looks like drug testing in Ronny Bohonowicz's department isn't what it should be:

    Gunshots fired outside Silk City Tap Room in Florence lead to arrest of 29-year-old Alexander Nunez of Chicopee

    Tuesday, August 17, 2010

    NORTHAMPTON –Two shots fired into the air outside a bar in the Florence section of the city early Sunday led to the arrest of a 29-year-old Chicopee man, police said.

    Capt. Scott A. Savino said eight witnesses told police the suspect, Alexander Nunez, fired two shots into the air outside the Silk City Taproom, 99 Main St., shortly before 2 a.m. Nunez then left the scene in a silver BMW.

    Savino said the shots were fired during an altercation between two groups of people outside the bar. Racial epithets had been made during the altercation he said.

    Information gathered at the scene led police to believe that Nunez had gone to Mill Valley Estates in Amherst. When police went to the front door of an apartment looking for Nunez, he fled out the back door into a wooded area.

    Police arrested the suspect after a brief foot chase. He was in possession of cocaine and keys to the silver BMW, Savino said.

    Meanwhile, an anonymous caller told police that the silver BMW had been left at the Florence Heights complex off Florence Road, Savino said.

    Police towed the vehicle back to the police station and found a loaded Jennings 380 silver handgun, with two rounds missing under the driver’s seat, Savino said.

    Nunez, of 1290 Memorial Drive, Apt. 602, was charged with carrying a firearm without a license, discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a building, leaving a firearm in a vehicle unattended, receiving stolen property, breach of peace while armed, use of a firearm in commission and of a felony.

    Amherst police were not immediately available to common on their charges against Nunez.

    Ronny and Kathy Mazur sure know how to hire them...


    Notice also "Karl Richardson" listed as "plumber".

    Is this the same person the state of Massachusetts warned Ronny Bee-bop Bohonowicz about????

    Threatening him with fines???

    My goodness, I think it is!

    Imagine that.

    Now who's gonna call Ron Ron and ask for an explanation?

    Hello? Anyone home?


    No wonder there wasn't any hot water at Wildwood LOL...

  15. Chop chop Larry, what's the latest on this?


    Martin Yan
