Thursday, April 1, 2010

"The Vagina Monologues": Third time is the charm

Amherst School Czar Mark Jackson (Principal of both the Regional High School and Middle School) announced that Amherst Regional High School would once again perform the "The Vagina Monologues" next Valentine's Day.

But this time, the play will also be used as sex education curriculum in the Middle School for a full year culminating with a joint performance next February. No indication of which school student gets to perform the "Reclaiming Cunt" monologue.

Jackson will also lead a one-man bullying seminar using his pernicious performance at the public 3/9 School Committee meeting--where he brow beat School Committee member Catherine Sanderson--as a perfect example of overly dominating male behavior.


  1. So, now it's being done at the MS? What do the parents think about it? I sure hope the children will not be forced to participate. Think about the people making these decisions. Jackson's wife is a feminist author and Hayes wife is a teacher at the MS. Add the super, who wrote the letter of recommendation for Hayes principal's application and you have Amherst, where the "H" stands for Hypocrites.

  2. Actually it would not surprise me if someday the MS does 'VM', so once again Amherst can claim another "only in" title.

    When a cub reporter for the Gazette interviewed Ensler back in 2004 she claimed it would be just fine to use 'VM' as a textbook in elementary schools.
