Friday, April 9, 2010

Space Pod lands in Hadley!

Probably about the ONLY thing that would attract the same media attention as the Phoebe Prince suicide story.


  1. This is only there on a temporary basis while we find your address. This is the pill you have to swallow now that the overide passed.

  2. Hey Mr Intrepid Reporter - what is with that gas station anyway?

    There already are too many gas stations along that road, three have gone out of business (the Mobil recently, the place where Domino's is, and the closed station just west of that.

    So why on earth be OPENING a gas station in this economy? Pulling old/leaking tanks is one thing, putting new ones in is anther.

    So who is funding this? And why?

  3. I would assume it a private sector company and as such it's none of your damn business who is funding this and I assume the why part is because they think they can do a better job then the one that went before them.

    Feel free to boycott them when/if they open.

  4. Hey Ed,

    Gas stations are owned by big oil companies. They no what they are doing.


    Record Profits

  5. That's the new size Prozac tablet Eli Lilly is developing, as a way of targeting Amherst's suffering elites...

    They're going to call it the "big enough for getting back to being better than you in 30 minutes or less" pill.

    The two most positive effects of the new Amherst sized dose are: conscience numbing for the craftiest minds this earth couldn't survive without and an improved ability to convince anyone that their money is actually your money.

    Lilly is guaranteeing that everyone taking the new dose will not only feel normal again, but that it understands for itself and its' customers the only line, is the bottom line.

  6. It is going to be a Stop & Shop-branded gas station.

  7. Amherst created and exported:

    SOUTH HADLEY, Mass. – Phoebe Prince, the Massachusetts high school freshman who took her own life after what prosecutors called relentless bullying by classmates, spoke to a school administrator one week before her death about a threat of physical violence, court documents reveal.

    The documents, filed in connection with charges against six South Hadley High School students, raise new questions about how much school officials knew about the bullying. They also provide a glimpse into the final, tortured hours of Prince's life shortly before the 15-year-old hanged herself at home Jan. 14.

    On Jan. 7, according to the documents, Prince went to a school administrator after learning that one of the defendants, Flannery Mullins, had told fellow students that she was going to "beat Phoebe up" and that she "needed to watch out at break after second block."

    The documents do not reveal the official to whom Prince spoke or provide details of the conversation.

    A witness who was interviewed by investigators said Prince had gone to administrators because she was "scared and wanted to go home." After the meeting, the witness said Prince returned to class, and said that no action was going to be taken and that "she was still going to get beat up."

    They're still here, Amherst.

  8. Yeah, as I said a while back: time for Gus Sayer to do the right thing (better late than never) and GO!

    Ironic thing is if he did the honorable thing a month or two ago this story would not have such tremendous staying power.

  9. Ya know Larry, when he was in Amherst he continually covered up actions by teachers which in any other system would have led to termination. Parents' written complaints of certain teachers filled folders in his office and he did absolutely nothing. And the SC also did nothing! And they knew! The whole situation is very sad.

  10. Yeah, recently convicted Child porn perv Ronald T. Garney had been a science teacher at ARHS for 22 years and the kids say his peculiar habit of rubbing his erect penis on his desk during lectures was common knowledge--that even other teachers joked about.

    And of course Gus was Super at the time.

  11. How comes their school committee isn't dumping him?

    Pull into the Amherst Middle school parking lot and head into the central office. Ask the H.R. head who also serves on the S. Hadley school committee why she's sitting on Gussy like a mother hen on a golden egg...

    What's the matter Amherst?

    Trouble in paradise?

  12. anon 11:34.
    sorry pal, you got the wrong end, that's a suppository!

  13. The Domino's building was once a gas station???
    How long ago was that?

  14. Never. It was a Kentucky Fried Chicken not a gas station.

  15. "Yeah, as I said a while back: time for Gus Sayer to do the right thing (better late than never) and GO!"

    Wait a minute, who said she talked to the superintendent? It's far more likely that she talked to the principal or the vice-principal. And don't say he should have know about it because obviously if the administrators she talked to didn't realize the seriousness of this they are unlikely to have notified the superintendent.

    So, don't be part of the rabble rushing to judgement.

  16. Nixon never ordered the break in, just handled it badly afterword.

  17. That tank is only in the larval stage. When the adult tank emerges it will be twice the size.

  18. I would assume it a private sector company and as such it's none of your damn business who is funding this and I assume the why part is because they think they can do a better job then the one that went before them.

    And an intrepid reporter would find out which company it is, and ask them why they think they will drive their competitors out of business. It is called "reporting" on "news" and has nothing to do with their right to spend their money any damn way they want to, and everything about updating a community on what is "new[s]."

  19. Only if it interested "intrepid reporter."

    And quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

  20. So, using your same "the buck stops here" logic when it come to Mr. Sayer & the tragedy in S. Hadley, I'm assuming that you believe the same "buck" should stop at the doorstep of the Pope and he should resign/be fired over all of the confirmed child abuse that has taken place inside of HIS churches?!?!?

  21. Yep!

    If he did anything (before becoming Pope) remotely resembling covering up for any of the Pervs.

  22. They have a name for that Larry, the covering up...

    It's called: "the Amherst technique".

    Not only do they deny the victims justice, they preserve those who've committed the injustices...

    Nice place, Amherst.
