Thursday, April 22, 2010

Long overdue makeover

So after 20 years of discussion the Atkins Corner $4.6 million roadway project has actually begun. Just in time too, as the Amherst Select Board recently granted Atkins Farms Country Market a beer/wine permit.


  1. Wow! You are really scraping it. Next up, sun shines today.

  2. That's why I use photos--you can tell the sun is shining without my mentioning it.

  3. Do you have any idea whats going to happen to the house that's boarded up in the middle of it all? And do you know of anywhere we can see the project plans online? I'd love to see what the end results will be.

  4. I think both the house and tree are toast. But I'll check.

  5. Happy Earth Day Amherst. Nice to see you are adding all that asphalt for two round-abouts at an intersection that isn't really that bad, and meanwhile most the other roads are crumbling away. But you can have a big sustainability festival this weekend and green-wash your image. ARE you SuStAiNaBlE???

  6. It is more enery efficient. It will save thousands of gallons of gasoline a year as it will eliminate cars idling at the stop signs.

  7. Cyclists and roundabouts won't mix well....
    (Ironic that this topic follows previous post!)

  8. The plan features widened walk/bike space on the side of the road. Rare to see a cyclist there as not many bike over the notch but there are thousands of cars each day at a dangerous intersection.
