Monday, April 5, 2010

Fire in the hole!

12:20 PM

And I thought Amherst elections were hot.


  1. cool shot. what caused the fire, do you know?

  2. Probably a cigarette butt flicked out a car window.

  3. My experience is that these fires are more often intentionally set by middle/high school students seeking to develop their expressive skills.

    There really aren't as many people smoking as there were 30-40 years ago, fewer butts out the window too.

  4. Despite the plow on the seal, Amherst is not really a farming town anymore, is it? This is agricultural burning season, when farmers burn off the dead biomass to clear slopes and fields. This was most probably one of the many controlled burns that are each licensed through the fire department at this time of year.

  5. As you can see from the guardrail in the photo this was directly on North Maple Street (in Hadley) with no houses nearby, and there was nobody around tending to it.

    More than a few cars pulled over to rubberneck.

  6. This was most probably one of the many controlled burns that are each licensed through the fire department

    If this was licensed, what idiot issued the license? Note how close the fire is to brush and small trees. Do you really want a forest fire that badly?
