Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Transparency--what a concept

From: amherstac@aol.com
To: westmorelandD@arps.org; mazurk@arps.org; gawles@verizon.net; nhoffenberg@gazettenet.com
Sent: Tue, Mar 9, 2010 10:50 am
Subject: Public Documents/Open Meeting Law Reqest

Hi Debbie,

Could I please get a copy of the
discussion minutes and any votes taken during the Executive Session of the Regional School Committee last night.


Larry Kelley

From: Debbie Westmoreland

To: amherstac@aol.com; Kathy Mazur
; nhoffenberg@gazettenet.com; gawles@verizon.net
Cc: Tracy Farnham
; Farshid Hajir
Sent: Tue, Mar 9, 2010 1:37 pm
Subject: Re: Public Documents/Open Meeting Law Reqest

Hi Mr. Kelley:
The School Committee has not yet voted to release the minutes from last night's Executive Session; therefore, they are still considered confidential. I am not sure when the School Committee will officially release the minutes, but I will be happy to forward them to you once they do.
Best Regards,

From: amherstac@aol.com
To: WestmorelandD@ARPS.ORG; MazurK@ARPS.ORG; nhoffenberg@gazettenet.com; gawles@verizon.net
Cc: FarnhamT@ARPS.ORG; HajirF@ARPS.ORG
Sent: Tue, Mar 9, 2010 1:51 pm
Subject: Re: Public Documents/Open Meeting Law Request

Thanks Deb!

Just make sure I'm in line ahead of the Crusty Gazette (a few seconds here and a few seconds there...)



  1. Larrey Kelly is synonymous with:

    1)citizen journalist
    3)citizen gossip rag publisher
    4)peanut gallery
    7)partisan axe-grinder
    8)all of the above

    Not as hard as you thought, eh? Feel free to add your own.

  2. I like the "brilliant" one better.

  3. From: amherstac@aol.com
    To: westmorelandD@arps.org; mazurk@arps.org; gawles@verizon.net; nhoffenberg@gazettenet.com
    Sent: Tue, Mar 9, 2010 10:50 am
    Subject: Public Documents/Open Meeting Law Reqest

    Hi Debbie,

    I misspelled "Reqest" on purpose.

    I went to Saint Michael's where they learned us the three "R"s religion, religion and religion.

    I want to get my money's worth so I sent this reqest (sic) to you and four other people.

    No, it doesn't bother me that I'm wasting everyone's time. It makes a point: Take me seriously as a journalist. (I am the new James O'Keefe. Remember by Wildwood hot water caper that got me barred from entering Amherst Schools? As a result Breitbart will be publishing all my new videos on BigGovernment.com :-)

    Could I please get a copy of the discussion minutes and any votes taken during the Executive Session of the Regional School Committee last night.

    You see my daughter goes to the charter school so my vested interest in the super's departure has exactly nothing to do with anything of direct personal interest. Instead, its personal politics plus I never did like the guy but his ethnic background has nothing to do with that I assure you. Some of my best friends are Hispanic.


    Larrey Kelly

  4. Damn it folks - taxpayers and citizens have a vested interest in the schools we are paying for!

  5. Written like a true Cowardly Anon Nitwit--a sophisticated one who knows how to cut and paste.

    I actually corrected "request" in the numerous forwards of that email I did to trusted sources I wish to protect.

    And furthermore, I actually have family members who are Cuban/American.

  6. hahahahahhha

  7. Is one of those "trusted sources" your perky SC friend?

  8. My take:

    1. It was a horrible mistake of a hire.

    2. The exit/firing was an admin group "hit" on a job/position threatener.

    Right or wrong?

  9. 1. Right

    2. Wrong. Sometimes people actually do what is right. But I know that cynicism is fashionable here.

  10. Live stream of meeting up at ACTV:



  11. Larry,

    How perky is your school committee friend? Interesting that you are both so physical. You probably both have keys to the gym where you can go anytime day or night. And you both blog with such grace and insight.

    Does your wife know?

    What else is transparent, Larry?

    Did you buy some transparency for some perky friend? Hmmmm?

    You're such a rebel and so strong. I'll bet you're a hit with all the perky school committee members.

    Go boy!

  12. "Blah blah blah... You're such a rebel and so strong. I'll bet you're a hit with all the perky school committee members.

    Go boy! blah blah blah"


  13. Kathryn Mazur leading the search again?

    Maybe she'll hire Elaine Brighty as a consultant?

    God Amherst.

  14. Dear Larry, the journalist,
    Please shed some light on this...
    Is it true that Maria Geryk rose up to this status because of the relationship she had with our former super?

  15. Sorry, don't take orders from Cowardly Anon Nitwits--especially tacky ones.

  16. I am noticing one thing - the increasingly personal attacks on Larry Kelly and others -- and it makes me ask one thing: what are they trying to hide?

    The Air Force has a saying: "If they are shooting at you, it means they are over the target." And it really looks like someone is scared to death of Larry, and hence one must ask: why?

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. To: March 10, 2010 7:04 AM

    Who knows? Altho, it did work for one of the ESL paras at Ft. River a few years ago.

  19. We still don't know what the financial deal, the parachute, was.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. My guess is that they will not release the info until the 12 month period is up under the new "ethics law", and WELL after the prop two and half over ride vote is over. Keep pushing the dust under the rug....
