Friday, March 12, 2010

No More Overrides: Even the White Elephant Golf Course agrees!

Click to enlarge/see the angry yellow jacket No More Overrides lawn sign

Ten years ago some Nitwit wrote a scathing 'Letter to the Editor' published in the venerable Amherst Bulletin complaining most vociferously about a pair of political lawn signs in this exact location promoting the election of George W. Bush for President.

Gasp! How could the People's Republic of Amherst allow town property to be used as a platform for the likes of him, a--double gasp--Republican.

Turns out, when the town snatched the Cherry Hill Golf Course from Dave Maxon in 1987 for $2.2 million (the highest price ever paid for land acquisition) using eminent domain under an "emergency measure" so that it was Referendum proof, that astronomical price did not include the nearby Maxon homestead, where his family still lives today.

And obviously they have good taste when it comes to political issues.


  1. Yellow signs = black deathMarch 12, 2010 at 5:59 PM

    In 2007, Amherst voters defeated the proposed override, setting off $7 million in cuts to annual, recurring expenses and changing forever how Amherst gets its work done.

    The town is in better fiscal shape than it has ever been. Everyone agrees on that.

    Now, what?

    There is only $1.7 million left -- the schools.

    Now, you want us to...

    ... finish off the schools?

    Yes!!! The children must be made to pay!!

    Why don't you just set up a gas chamber at the schools, it would be cheaper.

    Start with the youngest.

    Leave the oldest, to work in your factories. Someone has to clean up this mess.

    Yellow signs = black death

  2. Actually the schools are "only" $1.2 million of the $1.7 million Override.

    Try to pay attention.

    And if that $2.5 million Override had passed in 2007 it would have generated almost $8 million to date.

    Do you really think town officials would have done those $7 million in cuts if that Override has passed?

  3. "YELLOW signs" You sound very desperate, like maybe your 60,000+ salary is in jeopardy? To compare prop 2 1/2 with genocide is really beyond gross for any Amherstite! really.

  4. Why don't you just set up a gas chamber at the schools, it would be cheaper.

    Back in the days of usenet, it was agreed that the first person who mentioned Hitler had lost a debate.

    I think that the gas chamber reference shows (a) just how desperate the educrats have become and that (b) they deserve to loose this override just to teach them a lesson.

    As a teacher myself, a fourth generation one, I am EMBARASSED by them. They don't care about children, they care about themselves...

  5. Why don't you just set up a gas chamber at the schools, it would be cheaper.

    Besides, it would NOT be cheaper.

    Do you have any idea of the environmental regulations that preclude the venting of cyanide vapors into the atmosphere? Or how much it would cost to build a gas chamber that complies with DEP/EPA specs?

    The NAZIs didn't care because, like all socialist/communist folk, they considered the environment expendible. Look at the toxic messes of Eastern Europe, places like Bulgaria....

    Think about this for a minute people, you really don't expect to have every 3-letter agency in sight freaking out over the direct venting of cyanide fumes into the ambient air?????

    I am, however, still insulted that someone in the education profession would advocate gas chambers.....

  6. Yellow signs = black deathMarch 13, 2010 at 8:58 AM

    Do you really think town officials would have done those $7 million in cuts if that Override has passed?

    No one is arguing with how important or necessary it was to make those cuts in 2007.

    Or what a great accomplishment that was.

    That was then and this is now.

    This is a different override. The only thing left to cut is the schools.

    Wait until Halloween, no kids at your house.


  7. Yellow death = black signsMarch 13, 2010 at 9:02 AM

    Do you have any idea of the environmental regulations that preclude the venting of cyanide vapors into the atmosphere?

    I was thinking less atmospheric gas content and more bacterial gas content.


  8. This is a different override. The only thing left to cut is the schools.

    I beg to differ with you but there are plenty of places cuts could be made. I also believe it is highly possible to find other ways of raising revenue. But this is the job of a town manager.

  9. Sellow yigns = dack bleathMarch 13, 2010 at 3:06 PM

    This year.

    Those decisions are based on a 5-year budget. Next year, we will be in a different place, entirely.

    The FCCC (who where the ones who decided what cuts to make), also requested the TM to present a list of options that includes a possible override.

    Namely, a budget that retains services needed to support growth.

    The question is: will we have the services in place to support the growth needed TO GET THE COST OF GOVERNMENT OFF THE BACKS OF THE HOMEOWNERS IN AMHERST?

    Or will you vote to continue to put the burden, i.e. no-growth, squarely on the backs of homeowners.

    Just the way you have for the last twenty years, with all your "open space". And "Section 8 housing", way more than our share.

    But the kids don't care. They still won't go near your house.

    Don't even bother turning on the porch light.


  10. "As a teacher myself, a fourth generation one, I am EMBARASSED by them. They don't care about children, they care about themselves..."

    That's exactly right. This is the way it is.

  11. Yellow signs, your gas chamber comment was over the top and horrible. No wonder you don't sign your name.

  12. No Doubt Mary,

    It amazes me some people will just throw out a comment with obviously no thought. The fortunate part is it also shows a level of intellect. Usually individuals that resort to this type of commenting due so out of despair.


  13. Where do I get my yellow sign?
