Monday, March 8, 2010

Better dead than red

You can tell Mr. Hood is a "webmaster", as he picked a lively color scheme for his lawn signs (which, unlike the green pro-Override signs, will still stand out when the grass comes in.)

I guess he learned from his boo-boo three years ago that lawn signs are an essential evil in a political campaign. Although it is a tad odd that he--of all people--a true blue, blue-state kind of guy, would use red.
Yeah as one of my Anons pointed out, he borrowed from the wholesome milk company.


  1. Yeah, I was only going back to 2000 with the famous "red states" (Republican) and "blue states" (Democratic) TV graphic made immortal by the closeness of that Presidential race.

    Interesting enough, it was probably the last year for Network TV having significant impact on American culture (certainly as far as Presidential politics goes.)

  2. you're kind of oddly obsessed with rick hood. i dont understand it.

  3. Grass won't be green until a month after the vote.

  4. Yeah, and yesterday it was the outgoing School Super and the day before that Princess Stephanie, illustrious SB Chair, and the day before that the Town Mangler and the day before that...

    Don't worry, YOU obviously, have nothing to worry about.

  5. Actually Anon 2:56 PM

    Over the next week or two I will take quick grow liquid lawn fertilizer with me on all my bike rides around town...

  6. Rick Hood seems like a gracious gentleman to me.

    The kind of man that would come to your wake and forget all of the mean things that you've said about him.

  7. Is it supposed to look like a Hood Milk Logo?- cause it does! (same font maybe?)

  8. "Rick Hood seems like a gracious gentleman to me.

    The kind of man that would come to your wake and forget all of the mean things that you've said about him."

    Good, go have a beer with him...

    (and WAKE UP)

  9. Larry's obsession with Rick Hood goes back to the last override campaign. My mother always taught me that the only thing worse than a sore loser is a boastful, condescending winner. But then, he has obviously never been taught good graces.

  10. Yes, some of us learn not to gloat.

  11. Once you're dead, Larry will be graceful about you. But until then, you are fair game.

  12. Anyone else notice that Anderson's signs look faded next to Hood's????

  13. I'm voting for Rick Hood and so are all of my anon friends. As LK will tell you, there's a lot of us and unlike LK's knuckle dragging cohort, we vote!

    Yeah, we actually know how to read so we can navigate our way through the rough waters of literacy in the voting booth.

    Tough luck for you guys. Should have paid more attention in school.

    Yeah, red. It's commie alright but you know what's cool. This is the America and we have political freedom. Cool, eh knuckle head? Yeah, that's something else they teach in school.

  14. Personally, something has always grossed me out about a "milk mustache", no vote here
