Saturday, March 20, 2010

Behold the Power...

Interesting article on the Front Page of the downsized Springfield Republican about politicians using social media to connect with their constituents. They lead with local success story Catherine Sanderson's School Committee Blog pointing out posts that generated 150 comments and 10,000 hits per month.

Two weeks ago at the height of the School Superintendent A-Rod coup d'état she came within a whisker of breaking the 1,000 mark--two days in a row.

I noticed three years ago when I first launched this blog my numbers almost tripled the days immediately before the May 1 Override vote. And during the recent A-Rod affair (a story broken by me three full days before the Crusty Gazette) my numbers also more than doubled, and now have stayed there as yet another Override looms.

So I think when people really want to be informed and they want it NOW they come to the Blogosphere, Twitter, Facebook, etc. When they want to leisurely sip cappuccino and passively peruse the local news, they pick up the brick-and-mortar media.


  1. I bet Catherine's numbers are WAY down now that she has started moderating posts. Her once lively blog has become very ho hum. That may also be why your blog has picked up a bit, Larry. I know that I was once a faithful reader of Catherine's blog and I only came here once in a blue moon. Now that her blog has become so yawn-inducing I have started coming here daily. Not that I agree with ANYTHING you say, but your blog is at least more lively!!

  2. I think it is more the lively unfettered debate. Which used to exist in the dead tree media when you could have a letter to the editor in the next day's paper.

    When you had the ability to tell the media what was newsworthy and not just wait for them to find it - and how many stories have come to your attention via comments here?

  3. You are right, CS blog has become dreadfully boring. Oh well, the price of censorship.

  4. You're so right. Mobs are always much more exciting and entertaining... in the physical and virtual worlds... a mob is still a mob, appealing to the lowest common denominator.

    Let the arrows fly!

  5. I don't go to the blogs for breaking news. I go for breaking rumor, innuendo and gossip. Most of which is not true. But very entertaining.

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