Thursday, February 25, 2010

Where's A-Rod?

Click to enlarge/read

UPDATE: 2:00 PM (Friday) The New York Post is reporting that black/blind NY Democratic Governor Paterson is ending his reelection campaign because of the scandal involving interference with an investigation against one of his top advisers for sexual assault that he tried to cover up.

Gotta wonder what the People's Republic of Amherst School Committee member Kathleen Anderson, who is black but not blind (although sometimes I wonder about the latter) will chalk this one up to.

10:30 AM So according to the memo/spreadsheet that stated, "In keeping with the spirit of transparency and maintaining our lines of communication open, listed below are the dates I have been, or will be out," a memo Superintendent Alberto Rodriguez tossed to the Regional School Committee on February 9th; it clearly indicated he was taking "vacation" from February 16 through February 19, and then on Monday February 22 a "sick" day, and then nothing more until April.

Today is February 25. And now I hear (from two reliable sources) Dr. Rodriguez is staying in sunny Miami until March 8th. Hmm...

Interestingly an Anon posted a Comment on this blog at 8:46 AM questioning his current whereabouts. At 8:55 AM--about ten minutes--later I get a hit from somebody in Miami, Florida doing a Google search for this blog. Hmm...

Click to enlarge/read

I had forgotten that only four out of nine Regional School Committee members voted in favor of his salary/benefits contract (one now gone and another stepping down--and both of them championed the modular classrooms costing taxpayers $215,000 at Mark's Meadow School that never hosted a class of students.)


  1. He was looking for Amherst Street.

  2. Call Kathy Mazur. She'll explain everything.

  3. "Central" is to the People's Republic what the lawless tribal region is to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan...

    Get the picture?

  4. This is just the beginning. He's the John Calipari of Superintendents.

  5. Well the person in Miami can't even spell Amherst!!! LOL

  6. Kathy Mazur and the HR staff let their friends (and favorites) do whatever they want while others do the work.
    Time to look into how the schools' Human Resources Dept is being run!

  7. "Baer Tierkel

    Amherst is a great place to live. It didn't get that way by accident. Now the national recession is threatening the Amherst we’ve built. Our officials have been responsible stewards. Efficiency efforts will continue – but they’re not enough. Now it's our turn to pitch in. We need a balanced approach - cuts plus a sensible override - if we are to survive this recession with the things we value about our community intact. We don't do this very often, there have only been 2 overrides in 30 years."

    --->Our officials have been responsible stewards. Efficiency efforts will continue – but they’re not enough.<---

    Are you kidding me?

    Are you fcking KIDDING ME?!!?

  8. Maybe he really is struggling with an illness. Why don't we lay off and let the SC (with Larry's "perky" friend at the helm) look into the matter. Or maybe he has family problems that need tending to. Or maybe we in The People's Republic have driven him off already. Regardless, he has a boss and, especially now that the issue has been exposed (thanks, Larry) we should be able to trust that it will get handled.

  9. Actually you're being a tad ethnocentric.

    It's not the Amherst School Committee (chaired by not so perky Andy Churchill) he answers to, it's the 9 member Regional School Committee (of which the entire 5 person Amherst SC are members.)

  10. Remember:

    If the Superintendent were a white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant, no one would be saying a word.

    All this questioning is being driven by ethnic prejudice.

  11. I believe I beat the Hell out of Jere Hochman and that old dude (with "40 years experience") who replaced him-- and then quit 10 months into his one year term (but was still paid for the full 12 months.)

    They were both pretty basic white guys.

    And let's not even talk about Town Manager Barry Del Castilho who I pounded for 20 years and now Larry Shaffer for his entire 3 year tenure and counting.

    Both basic white guys.


  12. Im hoping that 8:18 was a jab at Kathleen Anderson...

  13. Hmm...could be. Sarcasm or satire are easily misinterpreted.

    My young friend Max Karson once spent the night in jail for his ill-fated attempt.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Anon 8:18 here


    You take yourself too seriously, Larry.

  16. Actually, I just don't take Anons very seriously--so comparatively, it looks like I take myself seriously.

    The Grumpy prosecutor had a great line about standing on a mole hill or something like that.

  17. Anon 2:16
    You are on the wrong blog. Turn back now.

  18. So Larry, you don't like Ms. Anderson's approach to white people because she is a bit too pushy in her blackness for your standards?

    So, that's why you resort to the same game she is playing and go at the color issue, which essentially puts you in the same bed. You make your case agasint Ms. Anderson using th same approach you despise.

    Atta boy! That's showing your true colors. Let me ask you: Did that tactic work in junior high when you you used to try it. " I know you are, but what am I."

  19. Yes Larry, I have to agree with you. This is not about race or national origin. You "beat the hell out of" and "pound on" everybody (well, practically) who tries to do a good job for the town without regard to race, creed, etc. But nobody takes you seriously, and obviously no good has come of your rants. Or I suppose you could argue that you got us where we are today. By the way, it doesn't look like your punches had much behind them. Everybody seems to land on their feet after being pummeled by the blogger.
    Now it's time to say something witty about me or somebody else in town. sigh.....

  20. Fred. I like that. How many "Fred's" are there in Amherst?

    What more do I need to say. Well... besides: Cowardly, Anon, Nitwit.

  21. Job evaluation by the SC of the Doctor coming up in public in early March.

    Stay tuned.

  22. Although he may still be in Florida on the day of the Regional School Committee evaluation (March 9).

  23. Hat's off to the team!


  24. I'm not usually computer challenged but what's the link for the no more overrides website?

  25. Thanks... I'm working on borrowed computer and popups weren't allowed...that was my problem.

  26. Just keep in mind I managed to screw up the entire site yesterday and we're still waiting for our webmaster to fix it. (I hope by Monday morning)
