Monday, January 11, 2010

It's Baaaaaack

So for the third strait year the Town Manager, who has the ultimate authority over the park, assigned the DPW the task of constructing a skating rink.

Let's hope this year it works out better than the last two.


  1. Thanx 4 the tip, I'll be sharpening up my cccm super tacks! Glad to see they are keeping the dpw busy when it's not snowing out, and providing some free recreation opportunities!

  2. Cool! Makes us feel like a New England small town!

  3. Seriously Larry, would you prefer that the kids fall through the ice somewhere and drown? How much does one ice rescue cost the town, particularly when you send a firefighter or two across the river for hypothermia????

    Of course, what I would like to see is him be man enough to let the Boy Scouts do it. They would be out there at night (when you really need to do it), wouldn't be charging the town overtime, and would be able to be proud of it.

  4. Kind of hard to judge since I don't believe we have had an ice rescue in a many a year.

    I love skating rinks--I really do. Used to use the one at Memorial, oops, I mean Ziomek Field all the time 45 years ago.

    And for some reason that one seemed to work just fine. The Kendrick Park one however...

  5. I think it would be great if it works and people use it. It would be nice to drive by and see kids skating.

  6. Agreed. Nice indeed.

    Although the Town Common offers much better visibility and access.

  7. I agree that a skating rink is a net positive for the Town, assuming that it's done properly. I grew up in an Amherst that had FIVE outdoor public skating rinks to choose from each winter, so I know it can be done. The three key elements seem to be:
    1. Find a level, shaded plot of publicly-held land
    2. Have a water source near the rink
    3. Spray it on a regular basis, before the sun comes up.

    The Town Common is neither level nor shaded so that was a bad choice. Kendrick Park is level but not shaded...another poor choice. Why not do it where it was successfully done for many, many years - out in the left field area of Ziomek Field! It's centrally located w/in easy walking distance from downtown AND it now has the added benefit of having LIGHTS which would allow for evening skating sessions a few nights each week. Just a thought...

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. larry you are an ahole.The town common is on a slight hill making it hard to make a skating rink.You should stick to what you do best and run your pathetic gym in south amherst if you still own it? Get a life and do something useful or shut the hell up

  10. Well if I knew his name--or yours for that matter--I could Google you and make that judgment for myself.

  11. I think we a least know that's a prozac sucking anarchist... Am I right?

  12. I think we a least know that's a prozac sucking anarchist... Am I right

    Now, now, now....

    Prozac reduces both the male and female sex urge so the more anarchists on Prozac the fewer baby anarchists on welfare we will have. And that is a good thing, isn't it???

  13. shafter knows about the EISCAT/haarp ability to control weather.

    soon after the norway spiral northern hemisphere temps plummeted, florida losing crops, england covered in snow.

    could it be mass depopulation by weather?

  14. classy bunch of readers and responders, with and without names.

  15. Yeah, sometimes you gotta take the good with the bad.

  16. from the coward.Larry i am sure u had a hard day at the gym working or taking pictures to get your rocks off. Keep up the good work

  17. Actually today's post (above) did not require a picture. Although it did take me a moment or two to figure out how to take a "selective" screen grab and then convert it from a TIFF to a JPEG.

    But yeah, I still have to teach a Karate class tonight at 6:15 PM, so feel free to stop in and say "hi".

  18. from the coward. The class was great but maybe u should stick to your day job u have the moves of an old man. Your pictures and blogs might be a better choice.

  19. Yeah, I thought I saw a skinny little dweeb skulking around the parking lot this evening.

  20. from the coward.Who is pissing u off now old man?

  21. More like AMUSED.

    You had your chance, and you proved to be like all the others before you: A Cowardly, Anon, Nitwit.

  22. from the coward.See u around town world chump i mean champ

  23. For many, many more years there Anon.

    (Actually, it was National Champ.)

  24. from the coward.So u are not that good i give u too much credit old man

  25. And I'm sure in your prime (assuming you had one) you "coulda been a contenda."

  26. Why do you even waste your time, energy, and attention on this guy, Larry? It's the same guy who's been mumbling "It's Over" in his sleep for the past year & who has obviously been skipping his meds. Just ignore him & he might, maybe, and thankfully eventually go away (and leave the town that he obviously loathes so much behind)

  27. oh its just 'bach again

  28. I thought Cinda chucked him into a woodchipper.

  29. thrilled you would think of me.

    but i am the haarp poster, not the antagonist.

  30. look at any of my posts, i have never used "u" for you


    cinder's ninth generation business is down the tubes. i guess that dc lobbyism karma finally caught up to her. nice going jiggly.

    also, i have decided that amherst is a fine "place", but it is the people in charge that make it a shithole.

  31. "Why do you even waste your time, energy, and attention on this guy, Larry? It's the same guy who's been mumbling "It's Over" in his sleep for the past year & who has obviously been skipping his meds. Just ignore him & he might, maybe, and thankfully eventually go away (and leave the town that he obviously loathes so much behind)"

    ~I'm~ the "it's over" person and
    that other person is definitely NOT me.

    I HAVE used the term "old man" and "tough guy" with Larry... I also have ZERO desire to meet him, I'm not on meds (NEVER have been) and contrary to what sloppy Kelley said, I NEVER asked him to "pin" anything on the school maintenance/transportation dept. Investigate, yes, pin no. So Larry, you need to clear the record on that one, or prove it tough guy.

    And "Realist", I'm FAR from finished. Count on that. I'm right up inside their worst nightmare, trust me. I'm "the mole". A tunnel herrrrrre, annnnd a tunnel there...

    And BOING! (aw, lookit the cute mole!).


  32. cinder's ninth generation business is down the tubes.

    I think we are going to see a LOT of long-established Amherst businesses going under.

    UMass is changing and much of the 1970's Amherst is going to fall by the wayside....

  33. from the coward.A woodchipper,skipping meds and leaving town? I do not think so.To u and your sorry friends I am here to stay

  34. Oh, I would not have it any other way.

    But you could of course start your own blog (they're free).

  35. from the coward.Still have not heard from any of your friends if u have any?

  36. Hey with Anons like you coming here frequently to bother me, who needs friends?

  37. Yeah I'm sure you will.

    And you have a distinct advantage: everybody knows who I am and nobody knows you (not that anybody cares).

  38. Larry, just step on them liddle cridders...


  39. Actually, it would be EASY to figure out who this guy is - just go have a short conversation with ANYONE in the School Maintenance/Transportation Dept. and they would know EXACTLY who he is.

  40. LOL.

    I think it makes it easy to figure out who YOU are.

    You liddle cridder you...

  41. Okay when everybody figures out who everybody is, let me know.
