Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Unique address marker


  1. Students. This is why their complaints fall on deaf ears.

  2. A beautiful old piece of Americana like that rented out to a group of college kids (I assume). I can't imagine what the inside looks like.

  3. Of course, no one act of a student stands for the whole group.

    And, of course, residents of this town are getting fed up with what they see as a rising tide of student hooliganism.

    The repeated nighttime weekend experience of residents in the Fearing Street area, for example, means something. It can't be simply brushed off as "bigoted and stupid". These folks have the right to the QUIET enjoyment of their property.

    But, of course, there are also perfectly good kids at UMass.

  4. Names and addresses of absentee landlords can be looked up on the town website (GIS Maps and Property Info).


    They won't know till they get the photo.

  5. What, exactly, is wrong with this?

    Would it be different if they had posted a Star of David and the name of a Yiddish folk group? And if so, exactly how so?

    What if they had put a picture of the Pope on the front lawn? That would be different because?

    No, I am not a fan of the Satanic musical tradition. Nor am I Jewish, nor am I Catholic. But I am tolerant of the free expression of others...

    The repeated nighttime weekend experience of residents in the Fearing Street area, for example, means something. It can't be simply brushed off as "bigoted and stupid". These folks have the right to the QUIET enjoyment of their property.

    The town is engaged in a civil war that it is not going to win, and this is a direct consequence of the war on students. As is the pathetic performance of the Alumni Association which is setting records nationally for fewest members.

    The end result of this is going to be twofold: first, there very soon will be fewer students being taught in Amherst (and more being taught in Springfield/Holyoke) which means that junior faculty will be living elsewhere; and second, fewer students living in Amherst will mean less money being spent in Amherst.

    The rental housing will still exist - it just will be occupied by Section 8 single mothers with children who will be a burden on Town services in a way that students are not - and also won't contribute financially as the students do.

    And the neighbors will long for the days when it was just a few loud weekend parties as the open air drug market spirals out of control all summer long...

  6. "What, exactly, is wrong with this?"

    Gee Ed, could it be that a couch sitting on a lawn week after week in the rain does not improve the neighborhood?

  7. Thats been out there since Halloween. Ugly.

  8. Ed is always the alarmist. Mr. "UMass Will Pull Out of Amherst" is incredibly full of it. According to Ed, no student will live or shop here. Get real. 1/4 of the student population turns over every year. They know nothing about Amherst and they don't care to. They just pack Bueno y Sano and shop at CVS perfectly oblivious to Ed's doomsaying.


  10. Gee Ed, could it be that a couch sitting on a lawn week after week in the rain does not improve the neighborhood?

    Larry needs a better camera - I thought it was a piece of plywood.

    A wet couch is a health hazard, attracting vermin and the like. The town has a Board of Health and a Health Inspector and perhaps someone ought to remind them of this:

    105 CMR 410.602:
    Maintenance of Areas Free from Garbage and Rubbish
    (A) Land. The owner of any parcel of land, vacant or otherwise, shall be responsible for maintaining such parcel of land in a clean and sanitary condition and free from garbage, rubbish or other refuse. The owner of such parcel of land shall correct any condition caused by or on such parcel or its appurtenance which affects the health or safety, and well-being of the occupants of any dwelling or of the general public.

  11. Mr. "UMass Will Pull Out of Amherst" is incredibly full of it. According to Ed, no student will live or shop here. Get real. 1/4 of the student population turns over every year


    Classes taught in Springfield is going to happen. Online classes has already happened. And the reason why traffic is such a nightmare is the inexerably increasing number of students who spend less and less time actually in Amherst.

    I wonder if any of the downtown merchants would like to comment on the age demographic of their clientel, my guess is that it is more former students than current ones...

  12. Geeze Ed, I just got a new camera (with 10x optical no less.)

    Pretty good photo for a "drive by shooting."

  13. Ed,

    UMass wants to add 10,000 students not subtract them. Maybe you read the announcement upside down.

  14. UMass wants to add 10,000 students not subtract them.

    UMass can want whatever it wants, it doesn't mean that it is going to get it...

    The baby boomlet is over. The bodies aren't alive and there is a national shortage of 18-year-olds right now. You can say that UM will get them over more appealing colleges, I say they won't....

  15. Ed,

    They are just counting on you to remain the perpetual college student. The real world is too scary for you to venture into it. Quick hide under your dorm bunk bed.

  16. "They are just counting on you to remain the perpetual college student. The real world is too scary for you to venture into it. Quick hide under your dorm bunk bed."

    Yeah, beat up on Ed. Be the typical prick from Amherst. Fcked up on prozac yet SO much better than everyone else on the fcken planet.

    Fck you.

  17. Oh yeah, 'bach is back with his unmedicated anger.
