Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ice Man


  1. Look it's nitwit Larrey Kelly posting the Anonymous Ice Man.

  2. Larry, you gonna kick the blog up a notch here or what? I mean, "ice man"...?

    What next, "Larry pick his toes"?

  3. Well I have naked photos and an exclusive interview with one of Tiger Woods (many) alleged mistresses, but I'm saving it for the beginning of a news cycle.

  4. Here, let me do your job for you AGAIN:

    Town asks unions to forgo raises

    Staff Writer
    Friday, December 11, 2009

    AMHERST - Representatives from three of the town's collective bargaining units are being asked to consider adjusting or forgoing their cost-of-living adjustments set to take effect July 1.

    To save money in next year's town budget, Town Manager Larry Shaffer said he has been speaking with the unions for the police and the Department of Public Works, and the Service Employees International, which represents more than 70 employees across several town departments.

    "Fundamentally, I'm still talking to the unions," Shaffer said. "I hope to have something sooner rather than later," Shaffer said.

    How about AFSCME bargaining unit members voting to get rid of the "no strike clause"... Eh, Shaffer?

    Send you and Kathy Mazur a fcking message in a bottle...

  5. Feel the love on Larry's blog.

    The winter is bringing out his warmer, softer side.

    You know that CORE that he constantly talks about? Gooey, hot marshmallow.

    He's a lover, not a fighter.

  6. Good God.....he's changing.....he's turning into.........Mary Carey?

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Hey Larry, how about "Corruption in Amherst"? How about that angle for a boredom buster?

    Or does it hit too close to home?

  9. Yeah, it does.

    I've been on the take for three years now. The Town Manager pays me off with a free membership to Cherry Hill Golf Course.

  10. Yeah larry, but the silence is deafening.
