Saturday, December 19, 2009

And so this is Christmas...


  1. It must be leaning more on the Hadley side. An American flag and a christmas tree all in one place at the same time is unheard of in amherst.

    Have a happy kwanhanamas!


  2. Hey Larry, not covering the situation with the police in the town of Sunderland, eh? You know, the one where the town's unable/refusing to make payments on the ~~Quinn bill~~ to a bunch of officers because it's too expensive. The town of Sunderland, which has like 5 officers total. Nothing close to Amherst's 30 or whatever it is.

    IIIII knowwww, I knowww, as a town meeting member, you've got a lot more important things to worry about... like pretty picture taking and feather dusting exercise equiptment... Please, forgive...

    I mean hey, what's a little corruption inside a town gov't you just happen to be "working" for anywayyyy, right? Right? Larry?

    Sunderland officials, police haggle over Quinn bill
    Saturday, December 19, 2009

    sunderland - Selectmen Monday denied a grievance filed by the Sunderland Police Union over unpaid educational bonuses to three officers.

    See online or Sat's Gazette for all the shitty details.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Sunderland has a different labor contract than Amherst. They apparently put in language saying if the state cuts funding to the Quinn Bill the town would not be responsible for their failure to honor a contract.

    Amherst does not have such wording.

  5. Pretty nasty what Schaffer is doing, don'tcha think?

  6. I think he is going to make a half hearted effort to get the Teachers Union to forgo their COLA next year by using the Police Union as an example. I doubt it will work.

  7. And just how much of a raise did he give town hall employees recently? I heard talk it was big but didn't see it in the paper. Will his cuts in staffing this year just be new names for the jobs again?

  8. glad you took such a nice pic of my american dream the only thing missing is my horses and a couple of hot rod cars from the other garage god bless america, god bless those who have and are fighting for our country and im proud to be an american janice...dpw highway division

  9. I only wish a lot more folks were that proud, as they damn well should be!
