Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Worth dying for

UPDATE: 6:45 PM So the on-again, off-again speech by convicted domestic terrorist Raymond Luc Levasseur at Umass, you know, that bastion of higher education where the market of ideas--no matter how whacked--can be discussed in a civilized manner, is now OFF.

And if I had to guess, since a venerable duly appointed taxpayer funded government Parole Officer is involved, this time it's permanent. Now I know what Michelle Obama meant when she suggested sometimes you're ashamed to be called an American.

The Boston Herald "reports" (requiring three "reporters" no less)


  1. I would like to thanks soldiers current and past, living and passed, that have sacrificied so much in order for Americans to be able to exchange conflicting ideas and ideals, such as the debates that are carried out on this very blog everyday.

  2. Exactly!

    And keep in mind, there ARE people in local government who would love to shut me up (one who actually wanted me in jail).

    If not for the First Amendment...

  3. Mr. Kelley is a veritable poster child for free speech rights. And, as soon as one of our more operatic Select Board members felt threatened by him, she began using the word "stalking" to describe his behavior, a word imported from our criminal statutes, and got her friends to use it, too.

    People in Amherst who usually speak up for the poor and the downtrodden then rallied 'round to condemn Mr. Kelley.

    There are many ways to go about justifying shutting people up, and you will find it happening from all over the political spectrum, left, center, and right. It would be great if students at UMass, for example, committed themselves to stop shouting down speakers, a tradition that goes back to before my college days in the '70's. The other easily available option is to stay home.

    Rich Morse

  4. Yeah, let’s hope and pray that the busloads of cops coming in to protest at Umass tomorrow night subscribe to that reasoned theory.

    We don't need a repeat of Chicago 1968, because once again (even more so with the power of the web) "The whole world is watching, the whole world is watching."

  5. "And keep in mind, there ARE people in local government who would love to shut me up (one who actually wanted me in jail)."

    Keeping it in mind ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

  6. And now they're not taking you seriously either, meathead.

  7. Well...I stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Amherst PD, Umass PD and three State Troopers very late on Halloween night behind a Frat House at the entryway to Umass in a situation that could easily have gotten out of hand.

    I hope they remember that.

  8. Thank god you were there Larry. Someone has to keep watch over those dangerous college kids.

    I'm sure the police were proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with you!

  9. Yeah, well, when you are outnumbered by 50 to 1 it can get a tad tricky.

    But a Cowardly, Anon, Nitwit would not know anything about that.

  10. For Larry, it's not about Levasseur's first amendment right to speak... no, not at all... on the contrary, it's about Larry wanting to hear what a murderous anarchic socio-path has to say about his hobbies... An interesting interest for sure.

    However, maybe he wants to put what he learns to good use... for instance, watching the terroists he's invited to live in town for warning signs...

    Maybe the town can hire him as a consultant...

    What a perfect fit.

  11. " Now I know what Michelle Obama meant when she suggested sometimes you're ashamed to be called an American."

    No fears old chap, I know some terrorists who can use you...

  12. Yeah well why don't stop in to my very public office sometime and introduce yourself (and them).

  13. Yeah, well, when you are outnumbered by 50 to 1 it can get a tad tricky.

    It would be a lot less tricky if there wasn't the US versus THEM attitude that now pervades all local law enforcement. A lot of these kids are the *children* of cops themselves - they don't hate police in general, they hate the local police and that is a learned thing.

    Which is why tomorrow is going to get so nasty. You are going to have the SEPTIC (as in tank) all wearing their red stars and cheering, surrounded by busloads of cops from everywhere north of DC, surrounded by a few thousand drunken UMass students (remember, this is Thirsty Thursday) who hate cops.

    I don't think anyone has yet thought of who is going to separate the second and third rings and that will get bloody.

    I am just waiting for the first Bud Lite bottle to go smashing into the side of the SOM building - it will be all over at that point - Kent State HERE WE COME!

  14. Well maybe that is the rational for censoring Levasseur: it would/could cause a riot.

    The nitwit Amherst School Department nixed 'West Side Story' almost exactly ten years ago not because they agreed it was racist, but because the uproar was getting too distracting.

    Either way: freaken cowards.

  15. "Yeah, lucky thing for me you're a Cowardly, Anon, Nitwit so nobody takes you very seriously."

    You are the town clown and you are saying others are not to be taken seriously?

    Ha! Ha! Ha!
