I owe you a draft beer Mr Marx, payable on opening night spring, 2011 at the Boltwood Tavern--assuming the newly renovated Lord Jeff Inn keeps the concept of a low-key, relatively inexpensive pub as part of the fancy more expensive Inn with rooms and fine dining.
Okay maybe it's not the ultra ritzy $24-30 million renovation originally planned, but I'll take a lousy $14 million anytime (seven times the current assessed value). Just get her opened again!
In addition to bringing folks to the downtown the Inn will pay significantly more property taxes (currently $30,000) increasing by a factor of 5 or 6. And they will also pay the newly increased lodging tax and meals tax. All in all, a bonanza for the town tax coffers and a much needed shot in the arm for downtown economic development.
All hail the purple and white!
I look forward to the Boltwood Tavern's reopening, and I hope it remains a place where you can have a drink with a couple of friends and have a civilized conversation. At all the other downtown bars I've had to shout over the Muzak and the other patrons' yelling.
Yeah, that is what I loved about Boltwood.
And, unless it was Amherst College homecoming night, you could always get a table or seat at the bar.
You folks really can't have it both ways - love the local meals tax (which, face it, is an alcohol tax - and then complain about the drunken college kids who pay it.
Which do you want?
Lighten up, would you please?
In that case, keep the bars open until 2am!
"assuming the newly renovated Lord Jeff Inn keeps the concept of a low-key, relatively inexpensive pub as part of the fancy more expensive Inn with rooms and fine dining."
Larry can't help but welch on his bet by moving the goalposts. That clause was never a part of the original offer posted here ar OitRoA.
This place is for rich alumni. It's a place for them to stay during homecoming. Who let you in?
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