Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ruth Hooke on welcoming Gitmo guys to Amherst

Whew! So yesterday's 443 hits set a new world's record (about half coming from Boston radio station WTKK 96.9) surpassing last year's 412 when the AP covered Ms. Awad resigning as Amherst Select Board member citing stalking and harassment by little old me as the reason. This of course set the stage for a replacement election last October and a reorganization of the Select Board where Princess Stephanie ousted Gerry Weiss as Chair.


  1. The road to hell is paved with best intentions.

    But thanks anyway, Ruth.

  2. The road to hell is paved with ignorance.

    How about giving these people a fair hearing? Who's threatened by that?

    Rich Morse

  3. Not one damn thing better to do.

    What a laughing stock.

  4. Amhesrt: Joke of the nation.

  5. "All we have to fear is fear itself."

  6. Good point.

    But FDR also ordered the rounding up and confinement of Japanese Americans in "relocation camps" after December 7, a "date which will live in infamy."

  7. I know this is "off topic" but I was wondering if you, Larry, have heard anything re: how each of the Town/School departments are doing thus far when it comes to accommodating the new financial realities imposed upon them by the fiscal 2010 budget that took effect a couple of months ago? Have people made the necessary cuts? If so, where were the cuts made? If not, WHY haven't those cuts been made? After all of the fuss & hullabaloo that was raised around this last budget cycle I'm just curious how it's all playing out in the "real world." Any ideas?

  8. Well, we are hearing the same gloom and doom from town officials that I have heard...oh, since about 1991.

    I know somebody who has a Public Documents request out for all sorts of budget info. Stay tuned.

  9. "oh, since about 1991."

    They've been stealing since then eh?

    Sleeeeeeeeeepy little Amherst...

  10. "But FDR also ordered the rounding up and confinement of Japanese Americans in "relocation camps" after December 7, a "date which will live in infamy."

    Not exactly a shining moment. They were after all, Japanese AMERICANS.

  11. Yeah, if we ever went to war with China I would not be happy if the government suddenly decided to round up the tens of thousands of adopted girls/women now living here.

  12. I'm sure that after how many years of unfair detainment, there isn't any resentment nor basic hatred toward the American people. Right!

    It's like people are living in a bubble. How naive can one get?

  13. Off the subject for a minute. When do you think Amherst will close the schools? After everyone gets the flu? Probably.

  14. "Yeah, if we ever went to war with China I would not be happy if the government suddenly decided to round up the tens of thousands of adopted girls/women now living here."

    Even worse, they also rounded up people born in the U. S. just because they were of Japanese heritage.

    I hope for your sake we never get attacked by Ireland.

    (I'd bring you a cake with a file in it.)

  15. Larry..

    Can you talk wtih a reporter about this on Monday, November 2nd?
