Friday, October 16, 2009

No great loss

So for the first time in a generation the UN flag in front of the People's Republic of Amherst Town Hall is missing. I have an inquiry out, but it is after all late afternoon Friday so I will probably not get an immediate response.


  1. Hard. Hitting. News.

    If only the Crusty Gazette would follow this type of story. Thanks for keeping us nitwits in the know about whats really important.

  2. Someone should fly a pair of Shaffer's pants from the pole.

  3. hang shafter from the shaft

  4. Did someone in Amherst finally notice the corruption at the UN?

    You mean to tell me that these flags that express high ideals of justice and peace and freedom and human dignity can also represent flawed countries and institutions that are actually "works in progress" toward those ideals?

    Who knew?

    Does that mean that we shouldn't fly these flags?

  5. We could always replace it with a State flag.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. isn't it U.N. day next week ....i think the 22nd????

  8. "Did someone in Amherst finally notice the corruption at the UN?"

    Amherst celebrates corruption.
