Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Under cover of darkness

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Now if the cowardly nitwits had stolen the cannon I'd be more impressed. Too bad we can't convince them to take the UN Flag in front of Town Hall.


  1. Misspelled "Veterans" and "Flags" Priceless.

  2. And they went to Larry's school of apostrophe usage...

  3. Yeah, like them, I lose control of spelling when pissed (if that's a word)

  4. Doesn't matter to me that there were spelling errors in their sign. I tend to judge people by the content of their character not buy their grammar skills. A person who steals another persons property does not rank high on my scale. So to the men and women members of Amherst Legion my apologies to have your flag stolen.
    That was not very nice off them.

    -Ryan Willey

  5. Great Ryan,

    You misspelled "by", "person's" and "of".

    Good job.

  6. So to the men and women members of Amherst Legion my apologies to have your flag stolen.

    Should of been on having your flag stolen. I'm such a wreck.


  7. At least he knows how to spell his own name (and always signs it.)

  8. "Amherst principal's sudden resignation called 'distressing' by parents
    Wednesday, September 9, 2009

    AMHERST - Parents told the Regional School Committee Tuesday of their distress over the resignation of middle school principal Glenda Cresto just after classes started."

    And not an f-ing word about it from Larry. Nada.

  9. LarryK4 said...

    At least he knows how to spell his own name (and always signs it.)

    That I do and always will. Imagine if our forefathers did not sign the constitution, why it would of been a meaningless rag.

    Sign what you post that tells people you stand behind it. It is so easy to be anonymous.

    Ryan Willey

  10. The Minutemen hid behind trees while the British marched in the open. Guess who won?

  11. "Rob Detweiler presented the final 2009 budget results, which revealed that the Amherst schools returned $220,379 to the town in unspent funds at the end of the year."

    Larry, What's this all about? Thought the schools had to lay off people, cut budgets, close MM, etc. What gives?

  12. Hard to sell an override now!
