Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Score one for Mr. Baseball

It's been a good Autumn for Stan Ziomek: Grand Marshal at Amherst's 250th Parade last Sunday and this nifty new scoreboard in deep left field at, where else, Ziomek field.


  1. Click the link to the Amherst Bulletin story.

    A (Anon) private individual paid for it.

  2. Do I hear anyone else paying for another sign: the "Larry Schafer Memorial Sewer Lagoon" a the sewerage treatment plant?

  3. Well, as long as they spell Mr. Shaffer's name correctly.

  4. You know Mr. Shaffer got a two year contract extension that will provide him employment in Amherst until 2013 and not one person shouted yea or foul.

  5. Yeah, just goes to show how politically engaged are the average citizens too busy working too many jobs in order to put bread on the table.

    But when the Mega-Million Override vote comes up this Spring, you can bet folks will start paying attention.

    And he was a MAJOR screw up on the last attempt.

  6. Is it really necessary for you folks to ridicule and call names public figures. Is it that empowering? Were you bullied as kids? If you disagree with policies of the town manager or anybody else, write letters to the legit newspapers. Enough of this name-calling. Time to grow up already. Yes, call me an anonymous, cowardly nitwit.

  7. Hi "Dave"

    Thanks for raising the level of discourse here. Your intellect is so valuable. I love when you come and put your name quotes. You really are special and the way you remind us all to be nicer to the town officials who have ruined Amherst is very appreciated. Again thanks "Dave." You are awesome. Love you, man.

  8. Ruined Amherst? Despite all your complaining the sky has not fallen and the town is just as its always been.

    As for the sign, it's nice that someone who actually does a lot, has donated more hours than you've been alive, and is still giving, gets recognized.

    Do something besides complain and you may someday be worthy of such an honor.

    I won't hold my breath.

  9. in fact i did get bullied. quite now you hold that against me?

  10. The town is not always as it has been. This town has serious issues. Declining schools, a lack of fire and ems protection, an over-worked, understaffed police department, a decaying infrastructure, a politically motivated Town Manager who creates policy, as oppososed to carrying out policy as directed by elected officials, and a serious morale isssue among town employees. So do not preach to me that all his fine, here. I can assure you it is not. Why don't you go bury your head in the sand or up Mr.Shaffer's rectum, seeing you love him so much.

  11. All this constructive dialogue from a picture of a baseball score board?
    I guess a picture does say a thousand words.

    -Ryan Willey

  12. "Declining schools, a lack of fire and ems protection, an over-worked, understaffed police department, a decaying infrastructure..."

    Thank you for making the case for the override.

  13. Seems to me to make a case AGAINST an override. I sure as heck don't want to give any more money for him to mismanage!

  14. Amherst already has one of the highest tax rates in the state.

  15. "in fact i did get bullied. quite now you hold that against me?"

    Slam-a-rama right there.

    "The town is not always as it has been. This town has serious issues. Declining schools, a lack of fire and ems protection, an over-worked, understaffed police department, a decaying infrastructure, a politically motivated Town Manager who creates policy, as oppososed to carrying out policy as directed by elected officials, and a serious morale isssue among town employees. So do not preach to me that all his fine, here. I can assure you it is not. Why don't you go bury your head in the sand or up Mr.Shaffer's rectum, seeing you love him so much."

    F Amherst. What a dump.

    "Seems to me to make a case AGAINST an override. I sure as heck don't want to give any more money for him to mismanage!"

    Here here!!!

  16. You are fooling yourself if you think our budget shortfall comes from mismanagement. There's just not enough money to provide the services you all seem to demand.

  17. 2:07 PM
    I love when you come and put your name quotes.
    --You can thank the blogger for that, but thank you anyway.
    You are awesome. Love you, man.
    --Thank you very much
    2:41 PM
    in fact i did get bullied. quite now you hold that against me?
    --not at all. I'm just trying to understand why some grownups get off by ridiculing other people and calling them names.
    3:14 PM
    So do not preach to me that all his fine, here. I can assure you it is not. Why don't you go bury your head in the sand or up Mr.Shaffer's rectum, seeing you love him so much.
    --So do something constructive instead of complaining.
    7:04 AM
    You are fooling yourself if you think our budget shortfall comes from mismanagement. There's just not enough money to provide the services you all seem to demand.
    --some sanity. Thank you.

  18. There is enough money, it is just Amherst does not know how to priortize its spending. Special interests, capital projects, too many administrators. "Dave" you have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry you got beat up as a kid, no one deserves that, but you have you facts wrong. Shaffer is not good at his job and has mismanaged the town into this situation.

  19. If Amherst was the only town with a budget problem than you might have a point, but Shaffer is not managing the other 3,000 towns across the country that all have the same problem. Look out the window, it's a severe recession.

  20. On the one side there's the fu cked up chevy pickup driving cross eyed red sox loving inbred drunk from drinking at the Amherst town tit for generations lucky to be educated beyond 12th grade townie, on the other the crafty educated egomaniacal prozac munching coke sniffing outsiders looking for a way to line their pockets or scam the system (because the townies taught them they can) and then disappear forever into bumper sticker la la land feeling like the world owes it to them anyway, even if it is wrong (and who decides what's wrong anyway)...

    This is Amherst. Don't believe the hype masters, they just want you to move in so they can steal your tax dollars. The school system is in shambles and the people currently running it don't give a damn about children. It's all about the paycheck and the turf war... Town government is beyond corrupt. There's always a job for a friend of a friend, if you know what I mean...

    So sad. So criminal. So Amherst.

  21. Yeah, like there's no patronage in Boston. Wake up small town person. This town is just like any other. No worse.
