Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Morning Mist


  1. This is one of the great underrated vistas on a daily basis in Amherst. Every day it looks a little different. I used to walk around down there with my dog off of the leash, and everything was right with the world.

    This is as close to an expression of happiness and contentment that we are going to get on this blog, and that's just fine.

  2. Glad you liked it.

    I bike by there almost every day, and can imagine how cranky I would be if I did not?

  3. Hey Larry,

    Still want a mayor? Here's another one down. When will you see that mayor = corruption time and time again.

    Hartford mayor arrested again; 3 others charged

    Associated Press
    Published: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 2:44 PM EDT

    HARTFORD, Conn. — Mayor Eddie Perez on Wednesday surrendered to state police for the second time this year to face corruption charges, this time on allegations he and a former state lawmaker took part in a crooked parking lot deal.

  4. Yes I do.

    Now do the math: how many Mayor are there nationwide divided by the few bad apples you mention?

    Some Governors have gotten into trouble lately, maybe we should replace that form of leadership?

  5. Some Governors have gotten into trouble lately, maybe we should replace that form of leadership?

    No, just replace the current incumbent....

  6. Thanks Mary,
    I almost got taken out by a huge truck clomping to my bike pack to grab my camera.

    And you know how us bloggers get full medical and life insurance...

  7. "Now do the math: how many Mayor are there nationwide divided by the few bad apples you mention?"

    Sorry, but they are too many to mention.

    Baltimore, Detroit, Lackawannam, Hoboken, Chicopee, Hartford, Providence, Secaucus...

    And these are just the ones that have been caught. It's a position that's a breeding ground for kickbacks, nepotism, favoritism, etc.

  8. Nice photo, Larry!

    Aye, the mist covered valleys of home.

    The Mayor of Hoo-Ville was not corrupt.

  9. Indeed!

    And Mayor Ned McDodd brought together all the inhabitants to save Who-ville (with Horton's help of course)

  10. I love how when someone points out something that you have no answer to you resort to nonsense. You have pushed an agenda that would have the town switch to having a mayor, but when it's pointed out that mayors have a long history of corruption that far exceeds the current form of town government you go off into la la land. Figures.

  11. At least I didn't call him a Nitwit, Nitwit.

  12. You must have missed that day in kindergarten when your teacher taught not to do name calling. Time to catch up.

  13. Actually my little Catholic school in Hamp did not have kindergarten.

    And you can see how well I turned out.

  14. Dear Anon 08:22 it was not Larry who responded with nonsense it was I.

    I found your original post to be nonsense. "Still want a mayor? Here's another one down. When will you see that mayor = corruption time and time again.
    Hartford mayor arrested again; 3 others charged"

    Generalizations are dangerous. It's like saying all Irish are drunks or, all Muslims are terrorist. Weak post deserve weak responses.

    Do you think there could be corruption within town meeting and select boards? No way any inside deals or favors are cut there. Get real man and come up with a convincing argument.

    -Ryan Willey

  15. Bravo Ryan,

    And we know all too well in this town the power of the NIMBY types. Many of whom become Town Meeting members, often with only one vote--their own!

  16. Yes, but mayors have a consolidation of power that way exceeds town meeting menbers now don't they.
