Sunday, September 6, 2009

Justice delayed...

So Northwestern District Attorney Betsy Scheibel, finally, got around to issuing a report concerning the horrific bus accident that claimed the life of two-year-old Abraham Espinoza almost one year ago.

Amherst PD quickly came to the conclusion it was a terrible, terrible accident and the State Police Reconstruction Team back in May concluded the same. I guess with the high-profile controversial cases like Pottygate and Justice For Jason still gnawing at her, the DA wanted to be ultra conservative with her findings on this tragic event.

Not that anybody will sleep better now.

The Blogger reported


  1. I had absolutely nothing to do with the decision made in this case, because I work in a different DA's office.

    But the process typically takes a long time, because prosecutors are handling other cases at the same time, because it takes time to collect and analyze the physical evidence, because there are an increasing number of people (and not just targets of investigations) who put up roadblocks to speaking with law enforcement; because prosecutors need to speak patiently with and listen carefully to those concerned who were victimized before announcing a decision; because proposed decisions need to be reviewed by supervising attorneys and, ultimately, by the District Attorney personally.

    All of these parts of the process take time. The interest of public safety does not always get weighed in the judicial process as heavily as I would like. But I don't see the reason to suggest that residents of Amherst and the region should stay awake at night worrying about some lingering danger posed by this case, and the DA's decision about it.

    A terrible fact of life is that tragic things happen, but they do not always involve criminal conduct. Not every tragic death can be vindicated in a court of law. But this case, and all the people concerned about it, deserved a thorough review, and the amount of time involved is one indication that that happened here.

    Rich Morse

  2. It's really hard to tell what Larry is saying here besides things we know

    1) Amherst PD judged it to be an accident
    2) MA State Police judged it to be an accident
    3) DA judged it to be an accident

    so where does he get off, and on what grounds, criticizing the DA?

    A1: It took time
    A2: She took her time for political reasons.

    Where's the evidence? Not here.

    Once again, this is Larry Kelley's propaganda machine that tears down the credibility of our government institutions for purposes it would be hard to identify, other than serving Larry's narcissistic emotional need.

  3. Hooray for the DA taking her time. Not everyone can be a hot head like Larry, some people have real jobs.

  4. There is a difference between criminal and preventable and *that* is the question that we really need to ask.

  5. Well Mr Morse, as I stated a month ago, I find it odd that the DA could investigate a murder where a man was shot once by his wife and then killed by a State Trooper and it only took the DA 6.5 months to conclude it was justifyable (which I of course also believe it was.)

    Can't really see where "politics" would enter into this as Betsy announced a while back she was not running again for reelection.

  6. because there are an increasing number of people (and not just targets of investigations) who put up roadblocks to speaking with law enforcement

    Sorry Rich, but after the stuff I have seen the Amherst & UMass Police do in the past couple years, I would NEVER talk to a police officer without my attorney present. Nor would I let anyone else.

    And I can imagine just what kind of mess this must make but look at what caused it -- police bullying innocent people into saying things that aren't true but fit the story the cops want to tell.

    And then innocent people get dragged into court stuff that otherwise doesn't need to be in court, to much consternation of all. If you are a UM student, the police are NOT your friend in this town and you don't talk to them without an attorney if you are innocent...

  7. Larry,

    Before you go too much further down this particular Road of Innuendo, I think you need to think back to what was on the locals' minds almost exactly a year ago, when you were on the receiving end of some fairly odious stuff about your behavior, that had more than just a whiff of criminality about it.

    The point is that we need the folks who are bringing criminal charges to be careful about it.

    Because, guilty or not, the person being charged is going to be very miserable. You remember being publicly accused of engaging in "stalking" and how that felt, don't you, Larry?

    A wise man knows what he does not know.

    Rich Morse

  8. What "innuendo"?

    I'm not suggesting there there is even a "remote whiff of criminality here"

    All I'm saying is Amherst PD knows what the Hell they are doing and they said it was an accident as did the State Police. What the Hell took her so long?

  9. All I'm saying is Amherst PD knows what the Hell they are doing and they said it was an accident as did the State Police. What the Hell took her so long?

    First, I wouldn't give the Amherst Police credit for knowing what they are doing... These are the same folks who brought criminal charges against someone for something which (a) happened in a UMass academic building (b) in front of about half of the UMPD and (c) the UMPD were quite emphatic that they didn't consider it criminal. That will cost the town a couple million when it is all over -- and that isn't the half of it...

    But Larry, you are missing a big point here -- there are TWO potentially liable parties here - the driver and the MOTHER. And could it be that the big issue was not if the driver should be charged, but if the MOTHER should have been charged?

    I can see that taking a year, I can see that taking longer than a year. And the difference between parental tragedy and parental liability in such circumstances -- or in the illegal pool installation that led to the cop's kid drowning in Springfield -- is a very VERY tough call.

  10. The point is that we need the folks who are bringing criminal charges to be careful about it.

    Hear, hear!

    The flip side of this, of course, is that if you aren't careful, you discredit the whole system and your legitimate charges get tossed too.

    Case in point: Jason Vassell. He is guilty as hell and anyone who sees the facts will conclude the same. Yet the police have been doing such a bumper business in arrests that he may well beat the rap just like OJ Simpson did.

  11. "These are the same folks who brought criminal charges against someone for something which (a) happened in a UMass academic building (b) in front of about half of the UMPD and (c) the UMPD were quite emphatic that they didn't consider it criminal."

    Ed, I'm not familiar with this incident, can you please fill me in?

  12. Ed, I'm not familiar with this incident, can you please fill me in?

    As I likely will be subponeaed by one or both sides in the criminal trial - scheduled for December, no, I can't....

    As an aside, I encourage everyone to take a look at Ambulance #29. Red Sox logo inside the town seal on both doors?!? Yes, that is being professional. The union logo in the back window - that is iffy at best. But the Red Sox stickers, yes that is being really professional, children...

    A volunteer department would know better than do something like this. We knew better than to put logos for private corporations on municipal vehicles...

  13. Can you imagine living in Ed's World?

  14. And you are exactly who?

    By now EVERYBODY who comes to this blog knows who the Hell (Umass) Ed is and they sure as Hell know who the Hell I am.

    So.....that kind of begs the freaken question: Who the Hell are you?

    (Besides a Nitwit Cowardly Anon)

  15. To anon who calls the blogger names.
    Yes, "Larry4K" calls people names, like most of us who went to decent schools learned in kindergarten not to, and yes, he threatens people, like most of us learned somewhere along the way was not grown up.
    I know it's none of my business, but I urge you not to stoop to the childish level of name calling or even threatening people. Seek the moral high ground, so to speak. Think about it.
    I do urge you to continue archiving this blog. Some day, it might come in handy.

  16. Ed's world....tool

    If Ed had any idea of just how f***ed up this town/university/valley is, he wouldn't have come here.

    Oh, and as to keeping archive copies - always a good idea. I just printed out an inch-thick stack of old email for a court case.

    Oh, and is it really to much to ask that the AFD act professionally and not deface municipal vehicles?

  17. "If Ed had any idea of just how f***ed up this town/university/valley is, he wouldn't have come here."

    So Ed, do us all a favor and LEAVE. If you are so unhappy here, why stay? Except that you LOVE to complain and those of us that read Larry's blog are extremely tired of listening to you!

  18. Ed, what are you talking about?
