Monday, July 13, 2009

You can run, but...

After a year of waiting 2 new Dodge Chargers are, finally, here. Six cylinders rather than eight so they will get a bit better mileage than the Crown Victoria’s. Although some Town Meeting members wanted the Chief to purchase "hybrid vehicles" for even less of a carbon impact.


  1. A real journalist would get three pieces of info - car price, customization such as paint job, police accessories.

  2. Whats it matter... would be the same price either way.. they are sold as a "police package" everything from engine, to pretty blue lights to stickers and equipment.. same price as crown vic, in fact a lil cheaper, as Dodge is trying to sell the charger's instead of the Ford Vics...

    Closer than you think...

  3. These brand new vehicles are rediculous. We couldn't open War Memorial pool because we are broke. But, we got plenty of money for new polic cars?

  4. Let's not forget this picture when talk starts up for an override.

  5. Yeah, not a friggan peep out of Larry i.e. school administrators getting a 2% raise...

  6. police accessories......

    bong holder

  7. Every year for as long as I have been in Town Meeting the department buys 4 new cruisers to properly rotate the fleet as they take a tremendous beating during the year. And every year member Kenton Tharp tries to cut one of the four, and a fairly long discussion takes place about the essential need for all four.

    Public safety is expensive. Would you want a police car that is responding to your needs or friends and family breaking down while on route?

  8. How about lets not forget this picture when we need to call 9-1-1 and need an officer to show up with the proper equipment and resources to save our butts.
