Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What's old is new

The "Reclaimer": This bad boy digs down 18" and shreds the material for reuse.
Job is farmed out to Warner Bros. but under oversight by Amherst DPW

Work, finally, begins on repaving North Pleasant street--the gateway to Umass. Let's hope it's completed by Labor Day in time for the 'The Surge' of students returning to The People's Republic.

Safe bet it will be done by September 27 for the official Amherst 250th celebration Parade (you know the one that does not allow protesters.)


  1. Larry, you can't pave in the rain and you ought to know that. Likewise having guys on top of large steel machines when the NWS is sending out thunderstorm warnings via the EAS (Emergency Broadcasting System) is quite irresponsible.

    Weather. And if current "global warming" trends continue, the "hot" June will be followed by an even "hotter" July/August. And it will be October before they can pave...

    Sorry, but the weather is one thing that the Town Manager can't order to his pleasure....

  2. Took that shot yesterday morning a few hours before the first thunderstorm hit (hey, on occasion I can be as crusty as the Gazette.)

  3. "you know the one that does not allow protesters/FREE SPEECH"

  4. Hmm, so what is this blog lost about? A fascinating post about recycling pavement? Nah, it's just an excuse for a cheap shot at the 250th parade. Seems kind of dishonest to me.

  5. Actually--you Nitwit--the overall Chair of the 250th, Barry Roberts, is one of my favorite people in Amherst who I have many times described as a "stand up guy.".

    And Pat Wagner, who owns 'Wagner Farms', and is the chair of the 250th Parade Sub-Committee has been VERY, very good to the Amherst July 4'th Parade Committee (our top $ sponsor since inception in 2002.)

    So I wish them NOTHING but success! And I believe their last public meeting this past week was held at the VFW (main sponsor of the 7/4 Parade.)

    Do your homework Nitwit!

  6. Hey, you slammed them not me!

  7. Read between the lines Nitwit. I slammed to Town Mangler.

  8. I don't think so. What you've shown here is that the 250th parade gets preferential treatment and you, once again, are victimized by the town mangler. And yet, the people of Amherst who went to the parade on 7/4 enjoyed it and wondered what the Parade Committee was so afraid about. At this point, either you're going to request the 250th parade rule changes or that the 7/4 parade rules change - both would receive zero support s I think you're done with this.

  9. This thread smells like white male homophobes but not you Larry... I think.

  10. Pay attention Anon 6:30 PM Nitwit:

    Last year the 7/4 Parade Committee DID change the rules to allow ANY group to carry a sign designating the name of their group, even if it was anti-war. And what happened?

    The Amherst chapter of 'Iraq Veterans against the War' (run by a guy who was never shot at and now MIA) allowed aging hippies who never served their country in any way to march with them (or I should say him.)

    This year the Parade Committee changed the rules EVEN MORE, allowing a group to carry whatever signs as long as they were approved in advance (ONLY the League of Women Voters bothered, and I'm told they had to tone down the pro-abortion sign but otherwise everything was approved).

    And guess what? Not one of the signs was anti-war.

    So the 7/4 Parade DID change their freakin rules. Now the question is will the 250th Parade committee change theirs? (and I hope the Hell they DO NOT)

    PS: don't tell me when I'm "done with" anything Nitwit. It's my blog.

    I'm done when I say I'm done.

  11. Good! Good! Now all that's left is to shout your usual threat to assault someone if they come meet you at your studio.

  12. "I'm done when I say I'm done."

    Are you done being a coward?

    How about that position on homosexuality?

    Or are the Amherst gestapo threatening to check your papers?

  13. Wow. For once I can actually tell you are two different Nitwits, since you posted at exactly the same time (tiny minds think alike.)

    I have never threatened to assault anybody. All I say is that I'm always at my VERY public health club on Monday mornings 5:30 AM so that if anybody wished to have a, you know, face-to-face conversation...

  14. ...with my foot.
