Sunday, July 5, 2009

Old fashioned July 4th Parade (even in Amherst!)

Amherst PD motorcycle cops lead the parade.
Immediately followed by VFW color guard
And then Parade Co-Grand Marshal's Police Chief Charlie Scherpa and Fire Chief Keith Hoyle (both BIG men in more ways than one)

Tractors representing Amherst's agrarian youth
Smokey the bear (he too is anti-smoking)
A very, very BIG tractor.
Hadley's colorful Quint (Amherst has one coming soon)
Yeah, the Amherst League of Women Voters carried "approved" signs although I'm told they were pretty aggressive about handing out literature along the parade route and turned off a lot of women and children (my family for sure.)

And what if they gave a war protest and nobody showed up? John Langford (at age 70, the epitome of aging hippie) had an unapproved war protest sign but never managed to actually hoist it in the air.

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it does it make a sound?


  1. "Yeah, the Amherst League of Women Voters carried "approved" signs although I'm told they were pretty aggressive about handing out literature along the parade route and turned off a lot of women and children (my family for sure.)"

    Yeah, they really turned off your kids. Like they could care less. Glad to see you are a poor sport to the end. No worry that you will be gracious.

  2. Larry,

    The new Amherst Quint was in the parade. It was labeled as Engine 2, did you get a picture?

  3. Yikes. Getting old I guess.

    Will get a shot tomorrow (still ahead of the Bricks and Mortar media)

    And my response to State Senator Stan Rosenberg's column in the July 4 Gazette where he comes out of the closet (my conservative friends will cringe.)

  4. Three things:

    First, those two motorcycle cops are very VERY good. I say this as a motorcyclist who doesn't ride a police bike (with all the extra weight of sirens & such throwing off the balance).

    When they got to me (at the old North Pleasant Street interchange) they were neither riding an "S" pattern nor dragging a foot which means that they are REALLY good. Moreso in a place like Amherst where you can't ride in the winter.... The guys are good and should be commended.

    Second, as to the League of Women Voters, they dissapointed me and likely didn't even give me any usable photos. When they got to me, they looked like scared children, not the rabid Amherst leftists that I could sell photos of. No literature (I would have loved to have had it...)

    Third, I don't know who the cute tall blond woman in jeans was, but if she is reading this, I wasn't trying to ignore her. I was there on a mission to photograph stuff and duty did call. Larry knows who I really am...

  5. Why is "approved" ("approved" signs) in quotes? Are you being dismissive or critical of the Parade Committee's due diligence in reviewing the signs?

  6. Anonymous 6:13,

    The Parade Committee is not "extreme with reaction". I think you may want to ask the "non-partisan grassroots issue-advocate League of Women Voters", and other groups in that category if they were allowed to carry a sign with anything they wanted printed on it what would it say. I'm sure if they answered honestly it would be a whole lot different than what they were carrying.

    A few years back we had several incidences where people would use the parade as a opportunity to monopolize on the crowd that had gathered for the celebration NOT a protest. To this day I cannot understand why people don't get it. Take a poll of the spectators and see what they enjoy the most about being there, the fun of Bands, municipal vehicles, floats, etc... or the blood covered "dove of peace" a couple of years ago that showed up and mingled with several of the groups in question. Then after they exposed themselves they all claimed that they didn't know anything about them.

    And if you doubt the rules of parades ask the "250th Parade" if they will let anyone march with a pro-abortion sign (one of the non-partisan agendas).


  7. My favorite responses (to Anons).

    Anon 6:13 PM: No my kids (age 7 and 2 don't give a crap about any of those issues).

    And when the League lady approached them with handouts my wife said "We only want candy." The lady then said something sarcastic about voting.

    My wife ALWAYS votes. And if the nitwit lady from the League knew she was one of the rare endangered Republicans in town she probably would not have been so enthusiastic about her voting.

    Anon 6:16 PM: Approved is in quotes to emphasize the fact that the Parade Committee did NOT just cave in to the Town Mangler (who did not show up to march)

    And I'm told one of the League's pro-abortion signs (and strangely enough I'm personally pro-choice) was a tad graphic and the Parade Committee made them tone it down a bit.

  8. where da fireworks at?

  9. My wife ALWAYS votes

    I stopped participating in town civic affairs when the fascist town clerk's office refused to send US Mail to my PO Box (where I receive all my mail) and insisted on sending it to a street address -- where I have no intention of receiving ANYTHING.

  10. Can we move on now?

    I think most Amherst residents have had enough of both you AND the League.

    It seems like everything that happens in town is simply a chance for you to score points in an argument.

  11. Anyone know what those two big pieces of equipment, including the one on tractor treads, is used for?

    Just wondering....

  12. I think most Amherst residents have had enough of both you AND the League.

    It seems like everything that happens in town is simply a chance for you to score points in an argument.

    Speak for your self. If you don't like what Larry says, why do you come here to read it??? I love that Larry questions things. People are like sheep sometimes, never asking questions about any thing. Just being led to the slaughter...

  13. Thank you Sara, I agree.

    Until later.............

  14. I think the league tarnished their reputation as a non-partisan group. It is now clear they are simply another liberal interest group.

  15. you do know that they -LoWV- are an issue advocacy group not aligned with a political party? How is that you they tarnished their rep. as a non-partisan group?

    what is the intersection of issue advocacy and the conservative party; drill baby drill, no new taxes, abstinence only, no to healthcare reform, no to stimulus, no to infrstructure, no to public transportation, no, no, no.

  16. I don't agree with two parade policies, one for 7/4 and one for 250 but that said, if you look at the photograph of the League of Women's Voters marching int he 7/4 parade, it is hard to understand why the Parade Committee was dead against their participation for so long. Take a moment and fuigure out why he impass lasted so long and what happened to get passed it. Then you will have learned something worthwhile.

    Thank you for all your work putting on this parade.

  17. From the league website:

    The League of Women Voters of Amherst is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

    Well, I sure was fooled into thinking they were nonpartisan. But, obviously they are not. I think a netural group should organize candidate forums.

  18. Yeah, I still remember when they organized a public forum on Amherst's very first Prop 2.5 Override 15 or so years ago and would not allow me to speak in opposition to it because they had "taken a side" (in favor of course) on the issue. So much for Free Speech.

    It still failed.

  19. Ed, I'm glad tht you appreciate skillful motorcycle handling. It is too bad that you cannot appreciate balance in many other areas. You can still learn from the dictionary and varous style manuals, as your discourse is largely unintelligible.

  20. I am surprised that know one has really picked up on Shaffer's absence from the parade. Perhaps he was mad over having his authority circumvented by the Select Board? The town's two highest ranking pubic safety officials are retiring after careers and service to the town that were far more beneficial than anything that Shaffer ever did and he can't even make an appearance?

  21. I did pick up on "ShaftAsses'" absence from the parade and was told that his hip was ascting up. I truly think that he did not want to hear the boos coming from the spectators, after being a coward in the way he handled the committee that was trying so hard to get the parade down the road. I can honestly say that he did put a damper on some of the people that we had lined up, to march, this year, with his insane bullshit. He needs to go!!!

    Until later............

  22. The parade committee didn't have an issue the the LWV. We had no idea they weren't marching in last year's parade until a week before, when the Gazette printed an article that stated they wouldn't march because we weren't being inclusive (and once again, we have never excluded anyone that asked to march). They had been invited and have been invited since the beginning as far as I know.

  23. I heard he was out of town, not ill.

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