Thursday, July 23, 2009

An innocent victim

So Bank of America better hope the Conservation Department does not take note of the dead tree in their overhead walkway. The bank--in the very heart of downtown Amherst--has been closed for a while now due to renovations (and obviously somebody forgot to water the tree.)

Bank of America or KFC?


  1. They are just trying to show you that money doesn't grow on trees. Is this makeover part of our stimulus plan?

  2. I just wished they would pay more than .000001% interest on savings accounts. I quess my hard earned money doesn't have any value when you can get it for free from the government.

  3. Yeah, and remember that stupid little Kentucky Fried Chicken clown shack they put up a couple years ago a half-mile down the road when the building burned down.

    Probably got a good insurance settlement, and then wasted that prime location with an automated drive/walk up.

  4. Talk about trivial! What's next? They forgot to take in the newspaper delivery during the renovation?

  5. Good point. Newspapers are after all, made from dead trees.

  6. How did the town design review board ever approve the shack on Triangle? In olden days they had control over the size and colors of the letters on your signs. No neon signs were allowed in Amherst and there were no chain stores allowed.

  7. Looks like the schools suck in Scamhesrt as well...

    Say buh bye to the cash cow(s)...
