Saturday, July 4, 2009

Amherst July 4 Parade: And so it begins...

Amherst VFW 12:30 PM


  1. Congratulations! Dullest parade photo in history. Please pick up your prize within 30 days.

  2. Stay tuned you Nitwit.

    I'm kind of doing a Twitter thing here. More later (but I will not tell you what I had for lunch)

  3. Loved the horses.

    Not so sure about putting all the fire trucks at the start, I would have had one at the end so as to give greater flexibility in case of a fire.

    What happened to all the old guys with their vintage military trucks?

  4. Yeah, the parade was short and lacked some content. But kid's smiles were everywhere and plentiful. Maybe next year with less controversy and better unity parade organizers wi11 have a better opportunity to secure more units to march.

    As for the fire trucks, that is what made the kids smile the most. The league of women voters, not so much....Also Amherst has 3 other engines and 2 more ambulances that were not in the parade. They had plenty left to respond to a fire or medical emergency. A matter of fact two ambulances were on the road handling calls at the time of the parade.

  5. "As for the fire trucks, that is what made the kids smile the most. The league of women voters, not so much..."

    Seems logical, abortion kills children, so yeah.

  6. Anon wrote:

    "Also Amherst has 3 other engines and 2 more ambulances that were not in the parade. They had plenty left to respond to a fire or medical emergency. A matter of fact two ambulances were on the road handling calls at the time of the parade."

    Folks, please try to break out of the thought process that reasons that fire equipment and EMS equipment handle calls. Firefighters and Paramedics handle calls, and we don't have enough. After those two ambulances left, there were three line personnel left (there were seven on duty, our minimum), driving three pieces of apparatus. That is not "plenty left", that is understaffing. They could have handled one more ambulance call or one more engine call.

    You can check out the link to our website,, which Larry has graciously linked to, for more information about staffing levels and their effects. I'm glad you enjoyed the parade, and I appreciate the votes of confidence, but I'm on a small crusade to raise public awareness about our staffing levels.

    -Dave Clooney
    Member of Amherst Firefighters Local 1764
