Thursday, June 4, 2009



  1. What's wrong now?

  2. My Mom was visiting last weekend. She was enjoying all the Rhododendrons we have about town as well.

    Terry Franklin

  3. Beautiful pic, Larry, and to Anon 1:38 PM, does anything have to be wrong to take and post a nice pic? Geesh.

    Until later..............

  4. From GazetteNET "talk back":

    "Amherst schools budget calls for 'staggering' cuts: Teacher union won't give up ..."

    "Of course they will not make cuts. These teachers have NEVER been willing to make cuts. Go to the Amherst Regional website and look at their academics lists. 23 different English classes and 15 English teachers, for example. 6 choices of languages, 45 different language courses listed, 12 language teachers. 26 choices of Social Studies courses, 15 social studies teachers. Why do students need 23 different choices of English classes?? Because APRHS insists on operating more like an elite college rather than a high school. If they trimmed their curriculum down to course offerings more in line with a regular high school and less like a private college, they could easily trim their budget. But they have always pushed back at making any such cuts because then they would just be a normal high school and would lose their "Amherst" hype."


  5. Yeah I was out mowing my lawn this afternoon after cycling out to take that pic and I observe Assistant Town Manager John Musante, Director of Human Services Eunice Torres and Amherst labor attorney Jim Connor heading into the DPW.

    So I email my reliable source and he says they are there for a "labor negotiation" with the DPW union to reopen the contract (so I could not have walked in all sweaty with my camera anyway since labor stuff is exempt from Open Meeting.)

    Getting the DPW workers to reduce their COLA or Step increase is kind of like bailing out the Titanic with a teaspoone.

    The teachers raises and step increases alone are over $1 million and they already told management to go to Hell on the giveback.

    Considering the new guy (Cuban American--and wait until they discover he's a Republican) coming in as Superintendent is getting a 20% raise over the previous 'Golden Boy' I guess I can't blame them...I guess.

  6. What's all that have to do with a picture of a nice Rhody? Talk about a hijacked thread! Hey Anon 4:52, guess something does have to be wrong.

  7. Yeah, I'm kind of like Paul Newman behind the wheel of one of his beloved racing cars: always shifting gears.

    Tune in tomorrow morning, as I have yet another 'Only in Amherst' humdinger.

  8. Ok tuned in... where's the humdinger?

  9. I said "morning" and it's only 9:28-- I still have 2 hours and 31 minutes.

  10. FYI - Jim Connor is not an attorney, he is a labor consultant.

  11. Thanks for the correction. When I first saw him going into the building I asked my source if it was Larry Miller, long-time real estate agent for DH Jones.

  12. Speaking of "disdainful attitude." (from an Anon naturally.)
