Friday, June 5, 2009

Do as I say! (not as I do)

So let me get this strait: the Town Mangler wants anybody and everybody to march in the private July 4’th Parade committee line of march (no matter their message) but the official town of Amherst 250’th Parade Committee can control participants “In order to maintain the quality of the Parade” ” and that participating units must be “honoring the objectives of the Parade Committee in presenting the Parade.”

Hmmm…kind of like the July 4’Th Parade Committee trying to promote a good old-fashioned Rockwell kind of affair (including town police and fire equipment—especially with both Chiefs retiring this summer) celebrating and commemorating the birth of our great nation.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Look you sore loser, get over it. You did not have a contract. They did not ask you to put 10o0 hours of work in, nor promise to pay you for such. Show us the contract.

    You lost your home because you did not go out and get a job to pay your mortgage. Say they did pay you for 100 hours of work, would that have saved your home? Of course not because 100 hours is only 2.5 weeks of work at 40 hours per week, so if your mortgage was resting on that you don't know how to manage your money.

    The foreclosure process is a long one. First you have to get months behind on your mortgage. You are trying to blame others for your own financial mismanagement. The Jones family has the right to donate money to whatever they want. There is no mandatory contribution for public art.

    Get a life.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. She's got 1,000 times the intergrity you do. All I've ever heard you do is complain and play the victim. She works hard, plays a leadership role in town (without compensation), and never bad mouths anyone.

  6. 1. Never finance something you can't afford be it a house, car or your credit card bill.

    2. Forget verbal contracts. There's a reason they wrote the constitution with a pen on paper.

    3. File a law suit, if you really have a case. A lawyer will tell you right off the bat if have grounds for damages.

  7. Get real Anon. He'd rather piss and moan and blame others.

  8. Over 100 hours? Get real. Say you spent an hour or two dreaming up the legacy piece. Hell, say you spent 5 hours just thinking about it. You can do a lot of thinking in 5 hours. Then you sketched it out. That probably took an hour. I'll give you two. Then you presented your idea. That took an hour. They had suggestions and you made changes. That took an hour to modify it. Back to present it again. This time it probably took 15 minutes but I'll give you the full hour. We're only at 11 hours. Oh, I get it. Bitching about where my money is. 89 hours. Priceless.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Actually I'm in a Boston Sheraton lobby (wireless is free) getting ready to go to a Dragon Board festival on the Charles (love that dirty water)

    I would say a lawsuit would probably not win (as a few Anon's have pointed out always get things in writing).

    I've know Barry for almost 30 years and feel he's a stand up guy; and my daughter takes riding lessons from his daughter (not sure if that would qualify as a conflict or not.)

    And the Grumpy Prosecutor would probably describe him as a "good witness on the stand."

  12. Your attack on Barry Roberts undermines your case since it's so full of falsehoods and supposition rather than facts. Take your attack on his construction of the Amherst Cinema, Roberts donated expertise, time and $$$ for the cinema and didn't make a single penny on the project. In fact, I know that behind the scenes he donated a good bit of money but didn't want the press that other donors received.

    I'm always surprised that he gets so many personal attacks which seem to be jealousy based on that he's successful, hard working, and plays a major role in town on a volunteer basis.

    I know that in the upcoming Taste of Amherst he will be giving wagon rides to kids all day long for days on end. As usual, the money he charges is completely donated to help fund the Taste. The guy gives more than anyone I know.

    Funny that this blog attracts a ton of people that believe government is all waste and private enterprise should do everything, but when someone is actually enterprising, the knives come out pretty quick.

    Larry’s right as usual. He’s a stand up guy.

  13. So 'bach, did you remove all of your comments so YOU couldn't be sued?

  14. in 'bach's defense...

    the bank took his house and work studio and equity, which left him homeless and broke with nowhere to produce product.

    he has a reasonable argument that the 250th took advantage of his goodwill, then hung him out to dry.

    anyone who really knows 'bach gets that. the others will never get it, and will always be quick to get their knives out.

    who is the worse for wear after the 250th defrauded john out of his valuable time? no one but john. that is a permanent infallable truth that is the true legacy piece by the 250th committee. it is an incredible shame the town left their defacto public artist in ruins.

    john, I believe you deserve to get paid, I was there watching you through the whole thing.

  15. Well at least readers from this point on will know, sort of, what the deleted comments pertained to.

  16. sue the homeless guy.

    good plan.
