Friday, June 12, 2009

The dangers of blogging

So yeah I'm a little concerned about bringing my MacBook Pro 17" by Airport Security or Customs as we enter Korea...with black electrical tape and oversized paper clips making it resemble a bomb and all.

It started as a crack in the very back corner where the monitor hinges to the main frame and I noticed it a day or two after live blogging the Select board meeting where the Town Mangler announced he was withholding a permit for the private committee who has run the July 4'th Parade after a 26 years hiatus for the past seven years, in other words, the People's Republic was "taking over" the July 4'th Parade. I guess I closed it a little too hard that night.

I joked on my post back then that "no chairs or desks were injured in the making of this film" (turn up your volume at the very end of the clip) little realizing my computer was indeed injured.


  1. Off the subject, but I notice you refer to the Sanderson blog as "perky". I do believe that maybe the adjective once held true. But recently her views have been falling in lock step with the ol'establishment. I always thought "perky" referred to a female version of Larry K. Don't think she's making the grade. Nevertheless, have a safe trip and don't get quarantined over there.

  2. Well...I still think she teaches aerobics at Gold's (or whatever they now call themselves) and she did pretty much single-handedly get the 'true believers' to close down Mark's Meadow (I've been trying for 25 years to lose a freaken Golf Course) so she has earned the title "perky."

  3. Define "ol'establishment" in Amherst.

    I think Ms. Sanderson marches to the beat of her own drummer.

  4. Anonymous @ 10:00 PM is conflict adverse. Don't cry anon, it'll be ok.

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