Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Take a hike

So with business failures becoming a pandemic, unemployment skyrocketing, and those who still work for a living looking at wage freezes and feeling good about it since at least they still have a job, Mr. Vince O’Connor the social activist who thinks he’s Robin Hood, wants Town Meeting to endorse Governor Cadillac’s 19 cents per gallon gas tax hike.

Thus making us #1 in the nation for gas taxes, a return to the good old "Taxachusetts" days.

If you are some poor schmuck who commutes a l-o-n-g way to your job (not within cycling distance or on a PVTA bus route) that hike alone could cost hundred$ per year, money that could otherwise go towards a health club membership, golf lessons or beer.

Maybe the Gov and Vince should institute a special tax on Swedish cars, wine-and-cheese, and avant-garde movie houses. Or liberal excess—in the People’s Republic that would generate a fortune.


  1. .06 of the .19 pays for the debt service on the big dig. part of this this gas tax is in lieu of raising tolls on the pike.

    what makes you think any of the money collected with this tax in Amherst or Western Mass will come back in the form of services or road repairs in Amherst or Western Mass?

    Pay the tax and kiss your money away.

  2. What part of the words "alternative energy future" do you not get? or do you just react without thinking about it? (just once I'd like to see that there was any evidence of self-reflection on this blog)

    Are you unable to see that we can't get there unless there's a public demand for it?

    John Anderson, my candidate for president in 1980, was talking about higher gas taxes at that time. Whether we like it or not, the price of gasoline drives the demand for alternative fuels.

    And, unlike many of the people in Amherst who want us to be just like Europe riding around in trains all the time, I suspect that our future is an automotive one.

    You like renovating Civil War monuments; I support higher gas taxes. I'm thinking about the future.

  3. Nobody likes taxes but everyone seems to like services. Highways, bridges that don't fall down, cost money.

  4. Yeah, and somehow in Taxachusetts they seem to cost W-A-Y more $ (Big Dig)

    Hence we need to have the highest gas tax in the nation. Gotta pay that prevailing wage I guess (not to mention pensions for the politicians)

  5. My main issue witht this gas tax raise is the fact that much of it is going to pay down the Big Dig, something we've already done by sacrificing our roads and bridges while money was sucked out east, and the money that is going to go to pay down debt and keep fares from rising for the MBTA.

    The MBTA, are you kidding me? Why should the entire state pay a higher gas tax so the public transportation system in BOSTON can remain at lower prices. When the PVTA needs more money they raise fares, I don't see Gov. Patrick offering to raise taxes to support the PVTA.

    If someone wants to put up a, no more than, $.10 gas tax raise and put half towards fixing the roads/bridges/etc. and half towards improving public transportation evenly across the state, then we can talk. Until then I've had enough of Boston taking our money and never seeing a return.

  6. I agree with the comments about keeping MBTA rates lower for eastern part of the state. I've been told by central and eastern mass folks that a 1 hour train ride from Boston to Worcester is approx. $9.00. 1 hour train ride from Worcester to Springfield approx. $80.00

    Vince should get out more. Gas tax is not the ONLY way to raise revenue and is again taxing western mass disproportionately--we don't have a broad base of public transport (I love the PVTA but it doesn't do the hilltowns or other rural areas any good)

    I also agree with higher taxing on non-essential luxury goods. (and I have a european car, so it WOULD apply to me). Taxing luxury goods makes absolute sense; these are choices.

    If a new car costs over $x amount it is taxed at x%. Same with used car: use a median price for year. Yeah it's a bit complicated but we do pay our legislators to work and the governor's office does have accountants and number crunchers.

    clothes over $X/item, luxury tax. jewelry over $x/item, restaurant meals over $x/item....hotels over $x/room and on and on.

    The "liberal" attitude that increasing taxes and voting for overrides are solutions is sooooo short sighted.


  7. Maybe if some of the gas tax was supporting transportation outside of Boston I would support it.

    Currently, the MBTA charges $7.75 for the 49 mile ride from Providence to Boston. But, the Peter-Pan (non-subsidized ) bus charges $8.50 for the 25 mile trip from Amherst to Springfield.

  8. whoops, I meant that I agree that it is unconscionable to tax all of mass residents to maintain lower transportation costs for eastern part of state.

    sorry for poor writing--in a rush this a.m.

