Monday, April 20, 2009

Patriots Day

Old Colrain, Ma.

Wilmington, Vt.


  1. That is what I call Patriotism. Thanks for posting those pics, Larry.

    Until later.............

  2. Ryan Willey Said:
    Happy Patriots day everyone.

  3. My Pleasure. The huge flag up on hill (28 feet wide)is actually made of fluorescent bulbs and it used to light up at night. And oh, what a sight that was!

    The installation went up in late November, 2001 as a response to 9/11. The electric company donated the juice so I don't know now if they stopped that or something went wrong with the wiring.

    But it's still glorious, by dawns early light,twilight's last gleaming or anytime in between.

    Same to you Ryan (nice article in Hampshire Life by the way)

  4. Nothing more patriotic than a day off! Ain't America great!

  5. Thanks Larry,
    Steve captured what pipes to honor is about. Sherri also thought it was well done..

  6. Hate Group Appreciation Day.

    Never forget that the majority of the people OPPOSED the American Revolution and that the country we love is the product of the Constitution of 1787 and not the terrorist rebels of 1775.

    Care to venture a guess as to which side my family was on?
