Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What you looking at


  1. Looks like Larry Shaffer at a Board meeting, all fluff and at the end nothing more than a giant turkey.

    Oh by the way Larry, I was down at the Holyoke Mall over the weekend shopping at Macy's and there was no hot water in the men's room. Do you think you can help me with this?

  2. It looks like the School Board pecking at the grist and grain , clucking about their multi-cultural bona fides and putting off what should be done sooner rather than later, as if it were their own bank account. Have I told you what UMass UMass id doing about the finicial crisis. Well, as you may know George Washington was the first President of the United States...etc etc etc

  3. Ed's solution to the school crisis:

    Close Mark's Meadow.

    Fire all the Asst Principals

    Make two of the existing principals Vice Principals (at a reduced salary) and have the third be responsible for ALL the K-6 classrooms.

    Fire most of the aides.

    Cut the teacher pay down to the median for the valley, or cut it down to Hadley and offer performance pay.

    End the ELL busing. You go to the closest school and either speak English or stay back until you do.

    File a 51A on any parent whose kid either doesn't show up to school or isn't well behaved in school.

    ANNUAL review of all SPED students.

    This is what Ed would do. And yes, I play hardball... As a few of the valley lefties may well find out tomorrow night...
