Thursday, March 19, 2009

Amherst Town Hall Thursday morning

10:30 AM

Hey, at least the building was wide open (although abandoned) . So I got to walk around with my RPG looking for a soft target (nothing sprung into my crosshairs).


  1. Larry, comments about RPGs are not exactly constructive.

    I say this as a gun owner. Lets not give the anti-gun nazis any more encouagement. Besides, you could do a lot more *cumulative* damage with a 5 gallon can of gasoline and a box of matches -- depending on the type of RPG, it might go straight through everything and explode outward through the exterior wall, with the most damage coming from the exhaust at launch.

  2. Actually, I'm not a big fan of guns. One of my many liberal quirks.

  3. Well, some of us *are* and neither appreciate people giving us a bad name nor that foolishness that the FORMER (thank God) Pelham Police Chief was involved in.

    Give a child a single-shot .22 rifle under close adult supervision is a good thing - give a child a fully automatic 9mm machine gun under the supervision of another child - whoever was responsible for THAT decision should go to jail for STUPIDITY....

  4. Ed, comments about nazis, anti-gun or pro-gun, are not exactly constructive.
