Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What's wrong with this picture?

So you would think the People’s Republic of Amherst--giving away this prime advertising banner location in town center for under $100/week (non-profit entities only of course) when it's worth ten times that--would maybe mention/advertise that it's vacant for an entire month!

But hey, the DPW has better things to do these days: make that damn Kendrick Park skating rink happen!


  1. Larry,
    If you think you can do a better job, you should run for town government after the Death Star puts you out of business.

    What's that? Oh yeah, everyone thinks your a pain in the neck and no one would vote for you. Oh well.

  2. This is not a revenue generator for the town nor should it be. I don't want to come in to town and see the Burger King banner advertising their latest special. It's been primarily to make announcements, such as there is a new play being performed. It's part of making this a community. The $100 is to cover the cost of DPW putting up and taking down the banner. If no group has an announcement then there is no banner. End of story. Go back to your hole. Groundhog day is over.

  3. And if groups were aware it was open (doesn't cost the town a dime to throw it on the web page that gets 1,500 hits per day--a tad more than me) then I would bet some would come forward and take the time slot.

    May not make money but--unlike the skating rink--doesn't cost any either.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Thank you for bringing this critical non-issue to light. Next up, town not ticketing people parked legally.

  5. Yeah, well, nitwits like you probably think it is just fine for the schools not to have hot water in the lavatories.

  6. Are the illness rates any higher at Wildwood than at any other school? What? They're not? Oh, well, maybe your next pointless crusade will be about a problem that actually exists.

  7. So you have actually done that Public Documents request (number of sick days called in per elementary school), gotten the results, and interpreted them?

    And you, of course, have a background in statistics? (I would be surprised, because most Nitwits DO NOT)

  8. I have not done a public documents request because it would have been front page news if year after year children were sicker at Wildwood. Parents would be refusing to have their children go there. When staff were complaining of mold at Fort River it was all over the Gazette and Bulletin. And yes, I do have a degree in Applied mathematics from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.

  9. So you have a degree in Applied mathematics from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and they did not teach you the value of collecting data?

    Don't rely on the Gazette/Bulletin to be your watchdog. They lost their teeth a decade ago.

  10. Even if thee were more sick kids at Wildwood you would still have to link it to bathroom water temperature. The problem is making that link. It could be that the student population spread more bacteria and viruses that year through coughing. The water temperature is not in violation of any regulation but you can't let go of your crusade.

  11. My mother taught me when I coughed or sneezed to cover my mouth with my hands and then go wash them.

    Actually, I'm told by a number of long-time plumbers that it is in violation.

    Code says the water has to be hot and cold and then somewhere else in all the rules and regs is a definition for "hot" and 70 degrees ain't it.

    I did find clearly spelled out in the regs that the daycare center my 2-year-old attends in Hadley, overseen by the state, is required to have water NO hotter than 120 BUT NOT LESS THAN 110. Hmmm...

  12. The water was not 70 degrees when the town inspected it and it is not a daycare center.

  13. Great Larry, get all worked up again about the hot water. The world need the amusement in these bleak times. Dance! Dance!
