Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vote for Miss Emily!

So I find it a tad bit odd that the Governor would encourage cheating (but hey, he's a Democrat) to decide what national/state treasure in Massachusetts gets forever remembered on the back side (not to be confused with ass end) of a US Mint quarter.

For instance, I know a Umass Math Professor who like to auto-generate phone calls to the Daily Hampshire Gazette (to overwhelm and shut down their phone lines) when they publish a non-flattering story about him (although now that he's no longer on the Select Board that probably no longer happens)

But I'm sure it has to be even easier to set up an automated system to vote continuously for your choice via the Internet. I only voted once, and of course I voted for Miss Emily.

Vote here: (as they say in Chicago: "early and often")


  1. Where is he encouraging cheating? The rules are you can vote as many times as you like. They're the same rules for everyone. I noticed that the NBA All-Star game had the same rules. You may not like those rules but he's not encouraging anyone to cheat, even if he is a Democrat.

  2. This basically is just a contest not an election. It's not one man one vote.

  3. I nominate the UMass Powerless Powerplant -- the monument to incompetence and corruption that 35 years later is standing as a very visible reminder of waste and stupidity.

    This is the Tilson Farm plant in case anyone is wondering, down below the North Fire station.

  4. What was wrong with trying to make steam go downhill?

  5. I nominate the motion that you put the word "UMass" on the spam filter for your blog so that instead of 10 irrelevant posts from Ed (per thread) we'll get zero of 1.

  6. Nobody was wondering... really ed.

    You must think there are thousands of people hanging on your every word. UMass this and UMass that. Is it NOT CLEAR ENOUGH YET?

    Nobody is wondering about irrelevant off-topic musings you post here. Most people see your name and skip them. Others ask you to stop. E arth to Ed. STOP Ed. Yes, You. Yes, that Ed, Hello Hello, Ed? Are you there? Stop. Please Stop Ed. Stop.

  7. Dear Ed,

    Thank you for mentioning UMass for the one millionth time. We were feeling lonely.


    All of UMass


  8. Please for the love of God, could this guy Ed start his own blog?

    Gov Sarah Plain


  9. Here' and idea for a blog theme:


    Now get to work, stfu and stop posting your off topic UMass-infused drivel here.

  10. ed, why do you spend so much time here, when it seems no one wants to listen to you? i agree, go start your own blog, any idiot can do it.

    i frankly am tired of hearing your blabber...especially incomplete sentences like this..."Look folks, saying that the AMHERST Police Department has a issue with a significant fraction of AMHERST residents and virtually no ability to effectively communicate with a significant fraction of AMHERST inhabitants."

    i come here to read larry's blog...

    NOT YOURS, AND ALL OF YOUR OFF TOPIC CONVERSATION.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  11. Are we making a connection here ED? Do you HEAR me?

  12. Ed's wallet said that it would be appropriate to put something reflective of the Commonwealth's corruption and incompetence onto the quarter - and the Big Pig wouldn't fit.

  13. Well, the Gov is encouraging cheating because he is not discouraging it.

    I gave the the Facilitation of Community Choices Committee grief because they solicited suggestions from the general public via the web, phone, fax, snail mail, telegraph but did not institute controls to counter ballot stuffing.

    Yet the Governor’s web page actually encourages you to "vote as ofter as you would like". Yikes.

  14. "...the Governor’s web page actually encourages you to "vote as ofter as you would like"

    And that would be the rules, so it's not cheating or encouraging cheating to tell people to vote as often as they like. He's not telling one town to vote often and forbidding others. You just don't like the rules, or more accurately, you don't like Deval Patrick.

  15. I nominate: The Amherst DPW Building, formerly the Trolley Building, as a monument to how Democratic Stupidity can not only extend a recession into depression but also destroy vitally needed infrastructure.

    Hoover & FDR created the last depression, which eliminated the vast trolley network that we had in the valley. Ever notice how the roads up into the hilltowns have the reverse curves (some eliminated over the years) to facilitate a trolley's connection to a straight overhead wire?

    As Bush & Obama create the next great depression, it is worthwhile to have a monument to the stupidity of the past....

  16. And just to prove a point somebody from North Amherst managed to leave this blog and go to In The Valley 30 times in less than a minute (Tony will love the attention)

  17. I repeat, this is a contest not an election. It's the American Idol of numismatics.
