Friday, February 6, 2009

Retires undefeated

UPDATE: 12:10 High Noon.
So apparently the original poster at Masslive Amherst Forum (not the followup "sniper") was not somebody from the Amherst Chamber of Commerce or Cinda Jones, which I originally assumed. Because now the nitwit is ragging on me for not entering the race. But notice he does not confirm if the Town Manager was going to race in the first place (I believe last year when he begged off it was not due to a sudden injury but a chronic one.) And it's not like I"m withdrawing (which the Town Manager did last year). I never agreed in the first place to do it this year.

And of course this nitwit better arrive REAL early to make his effigy of me or use a Romulan cloaking device, as I will probably attend the event...

3466.1. Paper Tiger
by JohnEight32, 2/6/09 11:42 ET
Re: Winter Fest 2009 by JohnEight32, 2/6/09
Looks like the big race is off, according to Larry K's blog, (Only in the republic of Amherst) he will not be entering a box into the race this year. Why are you wimping out Larry? Too much animosity b/w you

I'll still planning to build an effigy of Larry Kelley in the snow sculpting contest, to raise money for the town of course.

Don't be a zhi laohu.

So no, even though my name (spelled wrong) appears on the Winter Fest website (using last year's template) I will not defend my prestigious downhill box race co-championship, with my daughter Kira as co-pilot. And I also have a feeling the Town Manager was not going to race anyway as last year he begged off with a bad back.

Of course now that an Anonymous poster at Masslive Amherst Forum threatened (or was joking) to "hunker down with a sniper rifle" after someone posted to come watch Larry Kelley and the Town Manager race, I'm actually more tempted to defend that title (without my daughter of course).

3466. Winter Fest 2009

by JohnEight32, 2/5/09 9:07 ET

Looks like good weather for this weekend's festivities, 43 degrees and sunny! Watch Larry Kelley and Larry Schaffer in the box sled race. Fireworks at 6pm, chili cook-off and much more.

Here is a link for more info:

3466.1. THANKS!

by dueced, 2/5/09 14:17 ET

Re: Winter Fest 2009 by JohnEight32, 2/5/09

Good lookin' out! I'll make sure to get there early in order to camo up and hunker down with my sniper rifle....


by LloydLoar, 2/5/09 17:36 ET

Re: Winter Fest 2009 by JohnEight32, 2/5/09

3466.1.1.1. Don't bother

by joeya44, 2/5/09 20:09 ET

The cops will be givin that guy a boost to his tree stand...


No Children were injured in the making of this movie.


  1. Larry,
    Do a Google Image search for the term "cardboard box sled", and you will see the number one hit is your daughter in the Only in Amherst box!

  2. Thanks for the heads up. I love that photo.

    Yeah, one of these days I gotta figure out why my blog comes up so high on Google, when you search under some fairly general terms.

  3. Hmmm...

    Of course now that I uploaded the original photo, kinda weird I designed the O in 'Only' to resemble a bulls eye target.


  4. Good lookin' out! I'll make sure to get there early in order to camo up and hunker down with my sniper rifle....
    by joeya44, 2/5/09 20:09 ET
    The cops will be givin that guy a boost to his tree stand..

    Hey Larry can you feel the love?
    Publicly saying that they will be there with a sniper rifle, makes you wonder doesn't it? I hope the police investigate this just to show the person who posted it how stupid it was to do.

    -Ryan Willey

  5. Yes indeed.

    And if he were referring to our rookie President rather than some local blogger (or town manager) they would hunt him down in a heartbeat.

  6. Larry, really hope you've gotten the police involved.

    Don't be stupid.

    Something or nothing it's WAY out of line...

  7. The paper tiger wimps out. Oh well, I guess you dodged that bullet. I heard the town mangler had a wicked aerodynamic teflon taped box this year.

  8. Strangely enough, individuals in the Amherst PD (not as official policy) actually stop by Masslive Amherst Forum once in a while (remember they also have a blog) so I'm sure they saw it before Masslive moderators did there freakin job.

    If they think it's viable they will investigate.

    After all, the nitwit could have been referring to their BIG BOSS the town manager.

  9. Yeah, Anon 11:49 AM

    Kind of ironic you use a dated bricks-and-mortar euphemism ("paper tiger") here in this digital world of mine.

    All while under the cloak of Anonymity.

    Coward (that word still has the power of its original meaning).

  10. The fact remains that this is criminal threatening and not funny.

    It is one thing to say "locked & loaded" which I might not have recommended, but is still not a direct threat.

    "Hunker down with my sniper rifle" *is* and should be filed as such with the local law enforcement.

    Imagine what would have happened had Larry said that relative to the Vagina Monologue performances? Enough said?

  11. As a karate expert all my adult life and being Oh, you know, somewhat direct, I have always assumed that if I piss off somebody enough to want me dead they would do it with a high powered rife.

    Because if they use a handgun, that gives me a fighting chance.

    Which is why I always sit in the very front row at Amherst Town Meeting over these these past 18 years.

    Because if I am taken out, I would rather it happen like President Kennedy where your head just suddenly explodes and you never see it coming (although I firmly believe THAT particular shot came from the front)

  12. News Flash!!!! Town Mangler a "No Show", again. What is his friggin problem, sending messages, and not even trying to show, as he promised? I hate that man.

    Larry, want me to race in your place?

    Until later...............

  13. Larry, JFK's head went back for the same reason that a jet engine goes forward. To keep this in good taste, just remember that things other than the bullet are exiting with it, and that is what creates the force pushing backwards. Newton's laws and such.

  14. Sure Ethel, you run the race (you can even fly a flag as I did) but I'm sure he will be a no show for that as well.
