Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Let's hear it for "The A Team"

Well hey, at least the town mangler designated the original July 4’th Parade Committee , you know, the Good Guys (and Gals) as the A group. Because, of course, they are.

Now there's a term you will only hear in Amherst: An "alternative" July 4'th Parade Committee.
As I pointed nine months ago, when I first uploaded this clip (turn up your volume at the very end): no desks or chaired were injured during my exit.


  1. As far as I can see, there is only "one" parade committee, and that is The "A" team, no matter how the Mangler sees it. Boo on him. I shall let him know that, on Friday, if he shows uup. lUntil later..............

  2. Others are entitled to pursue their events so it would be smart for the Parade Committee to let that take its course, and if anything encourage their initiative, as long as it is not intended to undermine yours.

    I have advocated for the idea of having a League of Women's Voters rally at the end of the July 4th parade, by having parade goers follow along behind the end of the parade to the their event, (which might including protest speech and whatever other atractive elements they want such as sack races, candy apples, wading pools for kids, speeches by political leaders and town residents. But it is their initiative and their event so we'll see.)

    However, if they want to hold a parade on 7/4 too and Shaffer permits fire and safety vehicles in their event and not yours, I hope you take him to the wood shed for depriving one private group of town resources while not depriving another simply becuase he believes in their political speech and not in yours.

    It would be a classic case of self-destruction via overreach and being under informed, more commonly called incompetence. He is.

  3. Shaffer tried to "take over" the Parade by instantly issuing a permit to Leisure Services for the entire morning and afternoon of July 4'th and when that did not pass muster with the ACLU, still tried to hold the permit over their heads for the past six months.

    Nothing he does would surprise me.

  4. Amherst board finds funds to cover state aid cuts

    Gazette by S Merzbach

    AMHERST - Reimbursement from a school roof replacement project and a portion of surplus money in the health trust will be used to overcome the mid-year budget cuts enacted recently by Gov. Deval Patrick.

    When you can find large chucks of cash mid-year to cover a revenue shortfall, you're not being forthcoming with tax payers about THEIR money.

    I am really sick of the town manager. He is cagey and he does not follow instruction from the SB. He thinks the money is his to hide and use. It is our money and he has a fiduciary responsibility to be forthcoming about how much we have and to take instruction from the SB on our spending priorities.

  5. If the League wants to have its protests, then they really can't complain when people then protest THEM.

    And they can be challenged - if they restrict patriotic speech (to the extent they can) it will make them look really bad with national, if they don't, well....

  6. LK, You look a little nutty in the old clip, my man.

  7. Yeah, but I still get the job done nitwit.

  8. "Yeah, but I still get the job done nitwit."


  9. Larry, you are sooooooooo mean, at times, but I love you just the same.

    Until Later............
