Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don't worry.

Well, it's not like the average person was going to throw it on top of their car and drive away.


  1. I volunteer to help remove stuff like this...

  2. Dear OITROA:

    I would like some help in getting more hits. Any ideas?


  3. Yes, Emily
    It looks like you could use them.

  4. Emily -
    Be nasty, swear at people, threaten them, ridicule people who disagree with you, call them names, assume that everybody that says something you don't like is a man ;-). And be sure to say to those who really anger you: I will find you. I will get you.
    Most of all, keep it entertaining. Think talk shock radio. Everybody hates those guys, but apparently a lot of people listen to them.
    Good luck.

  5. Apparently it attracts you and Emily.

    AND, at least she had the balls to leave her name.

  6. Hey, I want some firewood....

  7. You wouldn't believe how many people stop to ask if they can take wood left laying at the side of the road (or way up in your yard too!). Even when it's pretty obvious, with a chain saw and wood splitter there, that you are going to use it.

  8. "I would like some help in getting more hits. Any ideas?"

    Try calling people a nitwit. It seems that being rude does the trick.

  9. keeps bringing you back doesn't it?

  10. And Bill has the copyright on "pinhead"

  11. If you are modeling yourself after Bill O'Reilly you just went down another level in my book. He's a bully and blowhard that resorts to name calling because he usually is playing fast and loose with the facts. I thought you were better than that.

  12. Well if I were modeling myself after Bill, I would make sure to get paid for entertaining my 250 or so visitors per day.

    But then, he gets 1.5 to 3 million depending on the night. Monday the best (something I remember from my 'Vagina Monologues' days) and Friday the least (if indeed he still works on Friday)
