Saturday, February 28, 2009

Almost gone

Snell Street Snowman 1:15 PM
Kendrick Park "ice skating rink" 1:25 PM


  1. more snow on the way

  2. Ryan Willey Said:
    I could widdle away the hours, conversing with the flowers, if I only lived in Georgia.
    I would then ride my bike and, avoid a flat tire from hitting a spike, if I only lived in Georgia.
    Spring is on the way.

  3. Hey Neil, I don't need you telling me there is more snow on the way, O.K., and Ryan, do us all a favor and move to Georgia already.

  4. Neil, Thanx for the weather update. Heads up y'all, I'm calling for no skewl tomorrow.

    Ryan, don't move to Georgia, its too hot down there. Unless yer talkin Georgia, Vermont?,_Vermont

    Larry, they need a roof for that skating rink, a concrete base, and some basic equipment to maintain it.

  5. Ryan Willey Said:
    Not moving to Georgia, just wishing for a southern breeze to warm up this ice box a little.

  6. Summer breeze, makes me feel fine; blowing through the jasmine in my mind.

  7. Ryan Willey Said;
    hey Larry Seals and Crofts,I remember that album from my youth. Times were simpler then were they not?

  8. Anonymous said...

    Hey Neil, I don't need you telling me there is more snow on the way,

    I didn't mean to insult your intelligence. Truth be told, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the other Anonymous.

  9. Indeed Ryan, they were.

    Growing up in Amherst on Crow Hill we always left the front door open (even after after my dad died way too early).

    These days there is one monstrous dividing line: Pre-9/11 and Post-9/11.

  10. Why is it that the Boy Scouts can't be doing this - then if the weather cooperates there is a nice skating area and if it doesn't there isn't the great waste of taxpayer money.

    And as an aside, the thing I found most humorous about the town mangler's attempt to tax the scouts was that they are already doing FOR FREE that which he wishes to have them contribute towards paying someone else to do....
