Friday, January 23, 2009

Behold the power...

So about now perky Catherine Sanderson probably wishes her chosen exercise regime was Martial Arts rather than Aerobics. Because she’s taking some serious fire for daring to have an opinion in the overly-opinionated People’s Republic of Amherst (where only the 'H' is silent).

Yes, she’s an elected public official, but on her blog clearly states she is not speaking for the School Committee or anyone else for that matter, only herself. And based on her uploads over the past 8 months she’s a real numbers wonk.

In a Letter to the ultra-crusty Amherst Bulletin, a Marks Meadow teacher (that the clueless Bully forgot to mention his status), with obviously nothing to gain (keeping his 'Language Arts Teacher position') whines that Ms. Sanderson’s blog is “out of line” for daring to discuss something Nancy Gordon was booed for on the floor of Amherst Town Meeting last spring: close Marks Meadow, the smallest of our 4 elementary schools (only serving 180 kids at a cost of $1, 654,000)) and the only school where we don’t own the tired, old building (Umass does).

Blogs are a two-way street. You don’t like what I or Catherine writes, feel free to comment (you can even do it anonymously). Or better yet, get your own damn blog --it’s free and even a tech idiot like me picked it up very quickly.

Even the Town Manager has a blog hosted on the town website but still using blogger. Although he’s smart enough to post only sickeningly sweet puff pieces (if I want that type of fluff I’ll read the Amherst Bulletin, thank you)

One of the--admittedly many--reasons Amherst is in dire financial straits is because “new growth” revenues are down. And why is that? Because NIMBY”s do everything in their power to kill new projects anywhere in town.

Commander Spock’s dying words: “The needs of the many out weight the needs of the few.” (Although miraculously he later comes back to life)

What the fuss is all about

Well at least his Letter appears last
And just for the record: this blog is the private property of Larry J. Kelley private citizen (sort of), life-long Amherst resident--as were four generations of Kelley's before me. I do not speak for Amherst Town Meeting (15 years experience) or the Amherst Redevelopment Authority (10 years experience) or Amherst Bulletin Columnists (14 years experience) or the Amherst Athletic Club (27 years experience).

I do, however, speak for God and Country.


  1. I want to read the letter before responding to that but I can say this here and now:

    1: Isn't it ironic that a teacher, an employee of the school district, feels free attacking his boss (Sanderson) in public and expects to be able to do so with impunity.

    I mention this because it is so established that he can that most likely won't even notice it -- but I compare it to how the Supt treated Larry and how other employees allege being treated for raising lesser issues.

    2: The woman is not only a board member, taxpayer and parent, but also an academic - Professor at AC. There are expectations for publication of research, outreach to the public and other such in academia and her blog is is arguably the 21st version of the "publish or perish" issue.

    3: What Sanderson is doing is exactly what the district should do with Larry's issue about hot water. You do public business in public and above the table.

    4: Mark's Meadow is part of the UMass/Amherst conflict (yes Neil, UMASS) and it was clear to me seeing that sitting in the meeting 2 weeks back. And so now as well.

    I have lived on both sides long enough to see this, it isn't something that is going to go away and Amherst will either continue to exist as a house divided against itself or the town as a whole is going to have to address it.

    An EMPLOYEE writing a letter to the newspaper attacking a board member. Even I wouldn't have done that...

  2. I have long been a champion of Catherine Sanderson's blog, as a concerned parent and citizen who cannot always get to the School Committee meetings (or find them on ACTV). She has been very open about her opinions, willing to share data, and answers comments to her blog. I wish all of our School Committee members were willing to put the time and energy into this as well! You may or may not agree with Catherine's opinions on things, but at least you know where she stands! I encourage you to check her out at

  3. Yeah Ed, I just corroborated your Google search (with another source) and John Keins is indeed a teacher at Marks Meadow, with what you might call an obvious conflict of interest, hidden agenda: KEEPING HIS FREAKIN JOB!

    Of course the Ultra-Crusty Bulletin should, errr, you know, maybe, kind of, sort of demonstrate SOME journalistic integrity (for a change) by mentioning that Mr. Keins is a "Marks Meadow Language Arts Teacher."

  4. Other than being in writing, how exactly is a blog any different from the 19th Century conversations at the dump on Saturday, or in the church vestry on Sunday?

    It is more democratic, as not everyone attends the same church as his/her/its elected officials, and it is more reflective of our more hectic lifestyles, but how is it different?

    And what, exactly, is wrong with an elected official publicly stating what she believes in. Part of the post-Watergate "Good Government" movement was that elected officials would do exactly that -- and the FIOA was part of it.

    So we complain when someone does what we want done? I do need to go get my mail (and paper) but what exactly is this man's issue?

  5. What ever happened to logic?

    A man says that the water in the bathroom is too cold and in violation of code. The proper response is to present evidence to the contrary -- either that it isn't as cold as he alleges, and/or that he isn't citing code correctly, or that as a public policy decision the people want colder hot water in the bathroom.

    Instead an attempt to silence via the trespass order.

    A woman says that she believes that the vast majority of children attend a school only because they were told to. There are ways to show her wrong (if she is), quantatitive means such as surveys or even the more expedident petition drive.

    But instead, there is an attempt to silence her, as well.

    Folks, this is textbook fascism. From Wikipedia (yes, but it is right this time): "Fascist movements oppose any ideology or political system that gives direct political power to people AS INDIVIDUALS rather than as a collective through the state." (emphasis added)

    It is the groupthink and the total lack of tolerance for any divergent voice. True democracy is messy, true liberalism (small "l") is noisy because people are permitted not to agree and the decision is the collective will of individuals.

    I never cease to be amazed at how truly fascist the Liberals (big "L") of this community are....

  6. You forgot to mention that not only are blogs free and so easy to maintain that even a "tech idiot" can do it, but they give you powers to explain away any objectionable behavior you might engage in. To anyone who questions what you're doing, you can just accuse them of being against blogs and the "press" in general.

  7. "A man says that the water in the bathroom is too cold and in violation of code. The proper response is to present evidence to the contrary -- either that it isn't as cold as he alleges, and/or that he isn't citing code correctly, or that as a public policy decision the people want colder hot water in the bathroom.

    Instead an attempt to silence via the trespass order."

    I'm sorry but if only it were that way. Larry's behaviour was belligerent, confrontational and completely obnoxious. He wasn't served a No Trespass notice because of the hot water issue. He was served a No Trespass because he was acting like a jerk.

    Ironically, he got himself in hot water;-)

  8. "He was served a No Trespass because he was acting like a jerk."

    Have you read the same postings that I have? Or are you unable to comprehend?

  9. "He was served a No Trespass because he was acting like a jerk."


    Really. WTF?

  10. Yes, I've read the postings but they are all posted by LK so they are slanted and self-serving. I know a good bit of the other side of the story and believe me he was way out of line with any form of civil behaviour. He had a "make my day" attitude. No surprise since it was LK.

  11. "Folks, this is textbook fascism. From Wikipedia (yes, but it is right this time): "Fascist movements oppose any ideology or political system that gives direct political power to people AS INDIVIDUALS rather than as a collective through the state." (emphasis added)."

    Entering the school's transportation/maintenance department offices? Please show your Nationalsozialismus party i.d. card at the door...

  12. "I know a good bit of the other side of the story and believe me he was way out of line with any form of civil behaviour."

    Keep on rowing that sinking boat there sluggo...

    It's over.

  13. Oh, oh...Mr. "It's Over" is back. Why don't you just go punch Ron B in the nose and get it over with?

  14. "Oh, oh...Mr. "It's Over" is back. Why don't you just go punch Ron B in the nose and get it over with?"

    "It's over" is coming to the front of a t-shirt near you!

    Why be afraid?

  15. Anon: 1:41 PM:

    And I can also accuse them of being a NITWIT.

    The "powers to explain" consist of the English language, you Nitwit. And if you look back over anything you consider “objectionable behavior” it was all VERY PUBLIC (I uploaded within the hour after all three visits to the Wildwood School). And believe me there are tech wonks like Jonathan O’Keeffe who read my blog and would know instantly if I tried to change e a time/date stamp.

    Anon: 2:01 PM: (probably same Nitwit as 1:41 PM).

    The Trespass Notice came a day after my third visit where I abided by the conditions set forward by the School Superintendent after his phone call less than 45 minutes after uploading about my second visit.

    The Principal who was with me THE INTIRE TIME in the bathroom asked me not to take one single picture of a thermometer and I disobeyed because he simply said that he was “told not to let you take a picture.” What were they afraid of?

    He himself could have e done the exact same study (surely the Wildwood School has a thermometer and digital camera somewhere) to prove if my results were fudged. But of course they were not. And the entire incident with photo appeared within the hour of its occurrence.

    And why exactly do you come to this blog (it’s not like I’m holding a gun to your head)?

  16. > He was served a No Trespass
    > because he was acting like a jerk.

    Sorry, the reason we have civil rights is to protect jerks.

    Think about it for a minute -- there is no need to protect the speech you like, you will stand in line how long and pay how much for a concert ticket? All of our rights are intended to protect minorities of various sorts, those who are not in the popular majority. To protect the individual so that the fact that one is wrong or unpopular simply doesn't matter.

    One has a right to make a fool of himself in a democracy. It is only the totalarian state that protects people from this...

  17. And in the People's Republic of Amherst I consider being branded a "jerk" a badge of courage.

  18. Gee...Larry got a "no Tresspass" order because he showed up at the school, went to the office, was escorted to the bathroom by the principal. Thank god some wacko didn't just walk in as they easily could and do whatever to one of the kids there! Any intelligent individual can clearly see this is just "I'm pissed off you are bringing up issues that make me and the school look bad" retaliation. If a person can't read between the lines and understand this...well then you are in dire need of a catscan my friend.

  19. > Thank god some wacko didn't just
    > walk in as they easily could and
    > do whatever to one of the kids
    > there!

    Take it one step further. The trespass order is nothing but a piece of paper, and the penalty for violating it is nothing but a $100 fine.

    The people whom one needs to worry about either have so many outstanding warrants on them and/or intend on doing such henious things that - honestly - the DA isn't even going to care about that charge on the list.

    And I have the underlying problem with a law written as if the Supt personally owned the schools -- he doesn't, the people do...

  20. One other thing -- in most school districts, a personal attack on a board member (saying that she "was out of line") would be considered grounds for termination.


    Only in Amherst....

  21. "I have the underlying problem with a law written as if the Supt personally owned the schools -- he doesn't, the people do.."

    And the people put him in charge to run the schools.

  22. Actually they put his wife in overall charge; he's the subordinate Co-Superintendent

  23. You know, there is an underlying question here: Should there be A (not "the") Mark's Meadow School.

    The reason why it is small is because it was a lab school to be used by UMass in its teacher certification programs. In an era where people had a different attitude toward UMass, in a more innocent era where no parent would be concerned about random UM undergrads wandering around the hallways or chatting with their children.

    It is a question that needs to be asked....

  24. There are not "random UM undergrads wandering around the hallways". The student teachers are part of the education program and are the same as in Wildwood or any other of our public schools. You are just making up stuff.

  25. *I* once wandered around the hallways, LOST, looking for a certain faculty member's office. (I rationally presumed that the numbers continued down the same hallway and not down the staircase and around the corner and into the basement.)

    I am large and by no means subtle. While a graduate student rather than an undergraduate, I *am* a UMass student. And if I could have done this by accident, I am quite certain that anyone could by intent.

    Why are you folks being so defensive? What is that you are trying to hide? And don't you folk realize that if I am in the School of Education, if I have already obtained TWO degrees from said School of Education, I might have had to actually go down to Furculo once or twice, even if most of my programs are in Hills South?

    One other thing: UMass policy is that no UMass student may be trespassed from UMass property which means that any student who wants to can wander the hallways of Marks Meadow. So if Larry was to sign up for a class, he could go into Marks Meadow with impunity, tresspass notwithstanding, as it could not be enforced against a student, you would have to go to the dean of students after the fact for any code of student conduct violation he did there, and give him due process.

    In fact, the picketing code would apply to Marks Meadow....

  26. Marks Meadow is under the control of the town of Amherst and students can be trespassed if need be. Luckily, they don't seem to be as thermometer happy as LK.

  27. So what exactly is wrong with being "thermometer happy"?

    The instrument has been around for, oh, maybe 300 years, and by now is pretty precise and easy to use-- even for tech challenged nitwits like me.

    I've even heard Amherst School Committee Chair Andy Churchill over the past three or four years mention how hot it is (winter or summer) at Marks Meadow (and he should know, as he has children there) all of the time because of the funky HVAC system.

    So would you object to somebody bringing in a thermometer and standing in a hallway near the bathroom and then snapping a digital photo of the air temperature?

    If not, then what is the difference between taking a picture of a thermometer pulled from a bathroom water faucet where no children were present (with the School Principal acting as chaperone) or in the hallway leading to the bathroom?

  28. The tough thing to swallow through all of this is that if you, LK, were on the OTHER side of this issue re: Wildwood you would be talking about the "niwit" with a thermometer who is "wasting Town dollars" by harrassing School administrators & staff with his silly claims. Have you thought about adding up how many of Amherst's tax dollars have been spent on YOU through this whole endeavor? Alton Sprague's time dealing with your visits, phone calls, filing of police reports, issuing "permission slips" to you for School Comm. meetings, etc. (ka-ching)...Ron B's time checking on the validity of your claims, issuing press releases, etc. (ka-ching)...Wildwood principal's time spent escorting you around his building (ka-ching)...assorted School custodians' & staff's time spent running around in the vortex of controversy that you have created within their building(s) (ka-ching)...when you add it all up I think you come up with a MUCH larger number than the $40 figure you keep mentioning in this blog that was "wasted taxpayer dollars" because the sheriff had to come deliver a trespass notice to you.

    You have always been the "champion of common sense" and yet you seem to have abandoned that very common sense with this latest "cause" of yours. Let it go.

    And one other thing...if you aspire to be a self-appointed "citizen reporter" - and THAT is what gives you special license to be wandering the hallways of local schools without an invitation - then you should try to keep in mind Rule #1 of any journalist: Don't ever BECOME the story. You have most definitely become THE story with this "Hotwatergate" investigation of yours and any "point" you wanted to make with this has long since been buried under a flood of peripheral issues that you have stirred up with your behavior.

  29. The “harassing” works the other way in that the School Administrators and Staff (actually I think it’s is only the junior Superintendent Sprague) who are/is harassing me.

    Yes, the very first thing I asked the kindly Sheriff was how much did this cost Amherst taxpayers? (His response was $39 and change, which I rounded up to $40)

    Alton Sprague’s time is meaningless because if we as Amherst taxpayers (and you obviously are not any more) were getting our money’s worth for his $67,5000 half-- time position of Superintended he would have showed up to Tuesday night’s Regional School Committee Meeting which unveiled important budget discussions.

    And since he did not check his email, I did not get to attend and file a report. So readers of this blog still do not know (at least the ones who were not there) what happened at that meeting. And the crusty Gazette never bothered to cover it, so the rest of the Valley is in the same position of darkness.

    Rule number one of a journalist is to get the story out—one freakin way or the other. AND to have the balls to put your name on the byline.

    And what exactly is the water temperature at your place of residence? And if you are a renter how quick would you be to whine to the Board of Health if your shower temperature (assuming you take one now and then) was only 70 degrees?

  30. And my question to YOU is: why does it matter? Has there been some unexplained outbreak of disease within the Amherst Schools that requires finding an answer? Have there been unasnwered complaints from students/parents re: the water temp @ Wildwood? It seems that there has been a collective shrug of indifference coming from all directions on this issue and the only real "story" that remains is: Who will win the stand-off between you & Alton Sprague? (for whatever it's worth, I put my money on you b/c I don't think Mr. Sprague has the cajones to back up what he has put in motion. I think he panicked, acted foolishly, and now would probably just like the whole thing to go away. Thank goodness this guy wasn't hired as THE Superintendent)

    My point through all of this is that you only have so much time/energy to devote to your watchdog duties - esp. given that you have a wife, two small children, and a small business to worry about - so why not spend those limited resources on things that matter? The longer you stay immersed in this Hotwatergate fiasco the more it seems that you care more about "the fight" than you do about the original point of it all (eg the lack of a viable hot water source @ Wildwood). That's all.

  31. Wait a minute, these kids aren't taking showers. They are washing their hands in the sink. Second, the idea that it was you who was harassed is truly ridiculous. You are not a victim. To paint yourself as such is pathetic. Also, if you send someone an email late in the day don't expect it to get answered that day. Pay better attention to the calendar next time. Lastly, but not least, you are not a reporter, you are a blogger. Anyone can start a blog, and this town has a dozen or so already, and that doesn't transform you into a reporter. You are a blogger, which is the modern equivalent of the crazy people that stood on street corners on their soap boxes. They attracted a crowd out of curiosity and they were instantly forgotten. Stop pretending to be a reporter and come back to reality.

  32. "You are a blogger, which is the modern equivalent of the crazy people that stood on street corners on their soap boxes. They attracted a crowd out of curiosity and they were instantly forgotten."

    Apparently this poster has no clue as to the worldwide arena of blogging to make such an immature and demeaning statement. Any blogger would take this as very offensive.

    Sounds like this poster is one of the most likely candidates in need of that catscan!

  33. My question to you ex-Townie (key word—if indeed it is a word--being “Ex”) why the Hell does it matter to you?

    At this point in my 53-year-old life (as I try to explain to my wife) I have Soooooooo much experience in writing and journalism and Amherst politics (around 30 years) and lately blogging (admittedly a tad less than 2 years) that these things take almost NOOOOOO time at all.

    But yet, when Anonymous nitwits suggest I’m a pedophile (and Mr. Sprague used the phrase “skulking around a little boy’s bathroom with a camera” in our phone conversation…not to mention later saying he had “taped it” that I instantly called him on it. And his lame-ass excuse was Commenters on my blog were suggesting the same), yeah it starts to MATTER

    Kind of like that meaningless hill in the middle of Korea in the waning moments of that “war” (if indeed it was ever declared an actual war) which had no strategic importance to either side. But we fought tenaciously to keep it just as the North Koreans fought tenaciously to take it. Still, like the conflict itself. ended up a stalemate

    But for the past 55 years (technically the “war” never needed) THEY have not wanted to engage US, because they know what a determined people we are.

    John Kerry in reference to Viet Nam once said, “Nobody wants to be the last man to die to for a mistake”. Interestingly, only President Truman (Korean War) has lower approval ratings than President Bush (Iraq war). But the whacko North Koreans are still in check.

    This is far from over. And I can still tend to my wife, two daughters, small business and as a Town Meeting member (since 1991) with the 9.7% RETROACTIVE budget cut to state aid for the year we are currently in and the 30% cut for next year.

    What have you done lately to justify your existence?

  34. LIFE IN THE 1500's

    The next time you are washing your hands and complain because
    the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things
    used to be. Here are some facts about the 1500's: These are

    Most people got married in June because they took their yearly
    bath in May, and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were
    starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the
    body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting

    Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of
    the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the
    other sons and men, then the women and finally the children, and last of
    all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose
    someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath

    Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood
    underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so
    all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof.
    When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip
    and fall off the roof. Hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs."

    There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house.
    This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings
    could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet
    hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds
    came into existence.

    The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than
    dirt. Hence the saying "dirt poor." The wealthy had slate floors
    that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh
    (straw) on floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore
    on, they adding more thresh until when you opened the door it would
    all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the
    entranceway. Hence the saying a "thresh hold."

    (Getting quite an education, aren't you?)

    In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle
    that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and
    added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much
    meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to
    get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had
    food in it that had been there for quite a while. Hence the rhyme,
    "Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine
    days old."

    Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite
    special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show
    off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could "bring home the bacon."
    They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit
    around and "chew the fat."

    Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid
    content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead
    poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next
    400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.

    Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt
    bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or
    "upper crust."

    Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination
    would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone
    walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for
    burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days
    and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait & see if
    they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a "wake."

    England is old & small and the local folks started running out
    of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the
    bones to a "bone-house" & reuse the grave. When reopening these
    coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the
    inside, and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they
    would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin
    and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to
    sit out in the graveyard all night (the "graveyard shift") to listen
    for the bell; thus, someone could be” saved by the bell" or was
    considered a "dead ringer."

  35. Gee, thanks for all that (freakin Nitwit!)

  36. Anonymous 7:45 p.m.:

    Before you start leaving useless internet "information", please check out

  37. I hate to cite facts, but according to the treaty signed between UMass and Amherst, the UMPD has jurisdiction over things on UMass land and the UMPD policy is that students may not be trespassed.

    Now should a student do something so dire as to justify being trespassed in the real world (and not just in the mind of the Superintendent) it would also likely be a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and he/she/it could be subject to "interim sanctions" (i.e. booted) and then trespassed. But all of this would have to be done by UM officials, neither the town nor the school district would have the authority.

    There are some very legal quagmires raised by having a public elementary school on university property in the 21st Century....

    Oh, and as to the 15th Century -- most folk were dead by the age of 30. And the Palace at Verci -- had no toilets, folks using the staircaes for such purposes...

  38. > not to mention later saying
    > he had “taped it”

    I would give the DA a call on that. I wouldn't do it next Tuesday but I would call her.

    Massachusetts is a 2 party recording state. He admitted to committing a CRIME and that should not be ignored....he "willfully commits an interception, attempts to commit an interception, or procures any other person to commit an interception or to attempt to commit an interception of any wire or oral communication shall be fined not more than ten thousand dollars, or imprisoned in the state prison for not more than five years, or imprisoned in a jail or house of correction for not more than two and one half years, or both so fined and given one such imprisonment. "

    Chapter 272: Section 99. Interception of wire and oral communications

  39. "You have always been the "champion of common sense" and yet you seem to have abandoned that very common sense with this latest "cause" of yours. Let it go."

    Let what go?

    When someone warns you 6 months before that injury or death may result from the recklessness of the sh*ts the town hired to be in charge of transporting Amherst school children and IT HAPPENS, people who give a F (Larry) begin to look into things. Hopefully certain slimy folk from the inside ZIP IT and he's able to get to the bottom of this mess.


  40. Mr. Mole: who warned who about what 6 months ago??? Are you ever going to stop talking in circles & spit out something meaningful?

  41. Comments have increased since you enabled anonymous posting.

  42. Skulking around the boy's bathroom.

    Why put yourself in a situation to be accused of something like this. The few times I was at Fort River and needed to use the bathroom I used the men's room (the one for teachers) for that very reason.

  43. "Mr. Mole: who warned who about what 6 months ago??? Are you ever going to stop talking in circles & spit out something meaningful?"

    Larry saw a person's desperate pleas to look into the transportation dept. on the Amherst Bulletin web-site (comments to articles, "Gibber" maybe?)about 6 months before the accident and was THE ONLY one
    who GAVE enough of A SH*T to DO SOMETHING.

    People who are critical of the man are simply CRIMINAL and shameful...

    And if the haters who post here they work for the schools...

    god help them.

  44. Well, this was going to go over to Dr. Sanderson's blog but that one is broken and the same people will probably read it here. It is a response to one of the attacks on her for - in this case - the name of her blog (I think...)


    Amherst: 25.27 square miles surrounded by reality....

    Folks, FACTS MATTER.

    > "My School Committee Blog"
    > sounds like Catherine Sanderson
    > is saying that she "owns" the
    > School Committee.

    Words mean things, and grammar specifies meaning of things. So let us look at the proper noun

    My - School Committee - Blog

    "Blog" is the actual noun, it represents a specific person, place or (in this case) thing.

    "School Committee" modifies "Blog." It serves to distinguish it from other "blogs" of which there may be more than one. (Which man did the police officer arrest, the officer arrested the one who broke the window. Children understand that, non-native English speakers understand that...)

    The possessive "My" indicates ownership, not of the "School Committee" but of the base noun "Blog."

    Now if you were to write "The Blog of My School Committee" then the possessive applies to "School Committee" and not "Blog" -- and the meaning is that this is the neutral blog of a school committee personally owned by Dr. Sanderson.

    Lets be realistic: "My School Committee Blog" distinguishes it from "My Educ505 Blog" or "My StepArobics Blog" or even "My Blog on the Cute Things My 2-year-old Said/Did This Week." It serves to distinguish it from the larger group of "My Blogs" -- of all the men standing there, the officer arrested the one man who broke the window - and not the others...

    > Saying something like "My
    > Experience On The School
    > Committee" or something similar
    > would sound better.

    This is (at least outside Amherst) a free country and people who own things can -- within certain limits -- call them any damn thing they want to. Now if she was to set up a blog saying it was the "Official Blog of the Marks' Meadow Teachers" *then* you would have a point. But not here.

    And further, "My School Committee Blog" would be less accurate because her blog is not only *just* about *her* "experience" on the School Committe but also larger issues of public policy relating to the schools.

    > I understand it is Catherine's
    > view but it also seems like it
    > is steering some people's views
    > in her direction.

    And what, exactly, is the purpose of communication of any sort? Bluntly, be it a lover addressing a partner or Obama addressing the nation, it is not only (a) to convey factual information but to (b) convince the listener/viewer that you are right. To "steer people's views" in your direction...

    > We should respect each other
    > in the process.

    A letter in the paper saying that another is "out of line" in expressing her views doesn't quite strike me as "respectful."

    A letter in the paper saying that specific facts are wrong or misinterperted for specific reasons I could respect, one that starts out as this one did, no...

    > Why aren't people on here
    > complaining at how bad the
    > percent of free and reduce
    > lunch is at CF?

    I seem to recollect that people did/are. I seem to recollect sitting in a room at something called a School Committee meeting and hearing subsidized meal percentages being thrown around as a concern.

    > Why aren't people complaining
    > that Wildwood is the "richest"
    > school in the district?

    I seem to remember Dr. Sanderson herself saying that the school district lines were "likely illegal" and seem to remember that Diane Liderman not only also apparently heard it, but saw fit to quote her statements about this in the newspaper.

    In fact, I seem to remember that one of the arguments for closing Mark's Meadow (in addition to the pressing economic crisis) *WAS* because of the economic disparities between the school zones and as a means to desegregate them.

  45. "Larry saw a person's desperate pleas to look into the transportation dept. on the Amherst Bulletin web-site (comments to articles, "Gibber" maybe?)about 6 months before the accident and was THE ONLY one
    who GAVE enough of A SH*T to DO SOMETHING."

    Larry maybe you can start a new topic and talk about what you saw? How you felt etc etc etc...

  46. Sheeshhhh...It's Sunday, don't I get a day off from Blogging?

    Besides, I'm sitting here at the Club waiting for that ALLEGED Marine Iraq Veteran to show up.

  47. > Besides, I'm sitting here at
    > the Club waiting for that
    > ALLEGED Marine Iraq Veteran
    > to show up.

    Heating the club with his hot air being much less expensive than running the furnace....

  48. Yeah, well as you can see from my time/date stamp I'm still here (at home thankfully).

    And as the Indians would say (excuse me 'Native Americans'). "Today was as good a day as any to die". But the coward never showed.

    I'm shocked...shocked I say. And I even took the time to pick up all the paper bags in the downstairs hallway.

  49. Anyone with half a brain is not going to go and fight someone. It's completely juvenile behaviour.

    I don't like your ideas so come and fight me. Real mature.

  50. Well, I don’t like some Anonymous nitwit impersonating a US Marine (and I’m sure the REAL Marines don’t like it either). And if he really were a US Marine, he would have showed up today.

  51. O'Reilly -
    Do you know why people write to this blogger in much greater numbers than other bloggers?

    Hint: Most other bloggers don't threaten to "kick the sorry a**es" of people that disagree with them or challenge them to duels. LOL

    And very few of the other bloggers resort to 4th grade name-calling with people they disagree with. No?

  52. Heat is gym? Larry doesn't even turn the furnace on. When I used to go there at 6:00 am it was an ice box and his poor employee had to bundle up in a sleeping bag to take her nap.

  53. Actually it's now 5:50 and I just turned the heat up (Keep it way down overnight because unlike Planet Fitness I don't have people working out at 3:30 AM).

    Should be toasty by 6:00 in the main exercise rooms (the office does take a while longer)

  54. The letter says he's a teacher, Mister Hook-kicker. No need to repeat it.

    Anonymous ultra-crusty editor

  55. Strikes me (pun intended) as something worth repeating--since most people often don't read all that closely.

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