Saturday, November 22, 2008

November 22'nd

I guess the downside of blogging is that, like cable news it, becomes a twenty-four/seven, 365 days a year blank canvas with space to fill (at least for some of us). And certain days of the year call for comment--or at least remembrance. This is one of them:

What more can I say?


  1. One of the saddest days in American History.


  2. not a mention of it in today's boston globe

  3. has coverage


  4. Oh, I don't know, a lot of things happened on this date. If you are only going to remember the tragedies you have only part of the story:

    845 : The first King of all Brittany, Nominoe defeats the Frankish king Charles the Bald at the Battle of Ballon near Redon.

    1922 - Egyptology: Howard Carter, assisted by Lord Carnarvon, opens the tomb of Tutankhamun.

    1928 - The premier performance of Ravel's Boléro takes place in Paris.

    1935 - The China Clipper takes off from Alameda, California for its first commercial flight. It reaches its destination, Manila, a week later.

    1942 - World War II: Battle of Stalingrad - General Friedrich Paulus sends Adolf Hitler a telegram saying that the German 6th army was surrounded.

    Life's symphony does not have just one note.

  5. Yeah, but I was not a sheltered 8-years-old during any of those.
