Thursday, November 20, 2008

And he's in charge of the People's Republic?

Amherst Bulletin
Published on November 14, 2008

Filled with pride

To the Bulletin: I know that the flying of the American flag in downtown Amherst has been a controversial subject; I confess that I have not paid that much attention to the issue.

On Monday, Nov. 10, I drove into town and was struck by the beauty of all the flags flying to commemorate Veterans Day on Nov. 11.

The sight filled me with pride and love for my country, which has just achieved the amazing feat of electing Barack Hussein Obama president.

Our country is an ongoing endeavor but on Nov. 4 we progressed farther than I would ever have thought possible.

Let us hope, pray, and work for such progress to continue throughout the-hopefully-eight years of the Obama administration.

Amy Mittelman

Reader comments :

I’m glad somebody gets it! Actually, I honestly believe the vast majority of Amherst citizenry also gets it; unfortunately it’s our exalted leaders the former-Czar and now thankfully former-resident Anne Awad and her understudy Gerry Weiss that do not.

That American flag can represent whatever you want it to. Like you, I prefer to see it as indeed representing our "ongoing endeavor."

And yes, 'Only in America' would the Horatio Alger story of Barack Obama come true.

God bless him, our great country and all who serve her.
Larry Kelley Friday, Nov 14, 2008 at 03:15 PM

How about we fly the flags on inauguration day?
Gerry Weiss Tuesday, Nov 18, 2008 at 07:56 AM

Well if you did your homework there 'Your Lordship', you would know that the Select Board of 9/10/01 voted the six "holidays" AND Inauguration Day.

So yeah--you damn well better fly them!
Larry Kelley Thursday, Nov 20, 2008 at 10:37 AM


  1. Quit while you're ahead.

    Don't taunt the man who is doing what you want him to do.


  2. Well I would not exactly call flying the commemorative flags in the downtown once every three years on 9/11 what “I want him to do.”

    And if he really put such thought into that stingy compromise (that some folks dubbed “Solomon like”) then why did he not know the flags should fly on Inauguration Day?

    And why would he think I’d have a problem with that?

  3. But will they be flying at half staff?

  4. On 9/11 or Inauguration Day? (Just kidding)

    Commemorative flags and the smaller flags that most homeowners have are excused from the half-staff protocol.

    But yeah, if I had my way they would fly at half-staff every 9/11 (as they did on that awful morning seven years ago)--and Memorial Day (until noon and then put at full staff)

  5. As you know, I would fly the flags more often than they are now.

    But, as you can see, things are moving in the right direction. Perhaps Barack Obama will bring us all together again under the grand old red, white, and blue.

    I'm sure that you don't care how we get there or who gets the credit.


  6. As you know, I would fly the flags more often than they are now.

    But, as you can see, things are moving in the right direction. Perhaps Barack Obama will bring us all together again under the grand old red, white, and blue.

    I'm sure that you don't care how we get there or who gets the credit.


  7. Now that Amherst has a US president they want, maybe the SB would be more amenable to a proposal to fly the flags two more days every three years.

    Ask for that, two more days every three years.

  8. Yeah, and even more important now that Aaron Hayden has replaced former-Czar Awad, we have a "new majority" of semi-normal folks on the board for the first time since 9/11.

    And as long as I continue to draw breath I will appear before the board a week prior to 9/11 and request they unfurl the flags that day.
