Wednesday, October 1, 2008

League of Women Voters backs down

UPDATE: 10:15 PM So I'm told the event went well. Although Pro-Question 1 folks did show up and got in a few hits. Senator Rosenberg also showed up but only acting as a "private citizen." Hmmm....

So I guess the only thing that surprised me about this morning's headline/article: "Question 1 panel goes on without Rosenberg," is that the League disinvited him rather than having Stan step down on his own.

Even though the LVM boycotted the July 4'th Parade (as did ACTV) this year I'm sure they heard about Mr. McCormic getting up on a soap box during the Parade and giving brief speeches along the way. Thus they did not want him out in front of their studio this evening with his soap box (maybe he would have dressed up as a Colonist/Indian and instead of a soap box used a tea chest)


  1. Even if I didn't know him, even if he wasn't a Republican, I would want to see him in the Senate just for his theatrics. Can you imagine what he would do with outfits like the Turnpike Authority and such?


  2. True enough. But I hear Stan is a great cook.

    Where was the anti-war rally today at Umass? All I saw was a promotion for Trojans (or maybe it the old "make love not war" routine?)

  3. My bad -- too much on one's plate and not enough to keep track. I didn't realize we were making signs TODAY for the counter-rally TOMORROW....


    Rallies at UMass

    WEDNESDAY, at 6PM -- Winter Soldier
    THURSDAY, at Noon -- Antiwar Protest
    FRIDAY, at Noon -- Teachout For Jason Vassal


    (Winter Soldier events)

    Antiwar folk -- see above

    Justice for a likely guilty-as-heck Jason -- would be jail, but see


  4. Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass Rallies at UMass

    Ed, get your own plate.

  5. I wish people would stop picking on poor Ed. It's obvious he needs something else in his life besides UMass. Perhaps some sort of sexual .....whoops, I forgot, he's a Bush/Palin boy.I meant a serious,desent,heartfelt relationship. Maybe with a Stockbridge goat?

    Please get your own blog!!!!

  6. If cooking is what it takes to get a debate with good media coverage, I'll face Stan in Kitchen Stadium any day. Heck, I've TAUGHT cooking classes. :)

    Thanks for picking up on this. Did you attend the League of Women Voters' forum tonight? I heard that some interesting things happened. I'm sorry I didn't get to see them first hand, but I was too busy keeping my promise.

  7. Hey Keith,
    No I couldn't make it as I had Daddy things to do.

    Yes, I heard it was interesting and look forward to seeing it. ACTV has promised to start streaming on the web, so let's hope that happens soon so folks outside Amherst can see it as well.

    If you read today's Springfield Republican article about the dust up it's interesting that Stan states he did "raise the issue with them," when the LWV first invited him. Double-Hmmm....
