Sunday, October 12, 2008

And so it begins...

Our entire family attended--and 3 out of 4 of us competed in--the "4'th annual Larch Hill English Style Cross Country Classic Race" directly across the street from our South Amherst abode (with all revenues going to charity)

My almost-two-year old finished last--but hey, at least she finished!


  1. Hi Daddy! So cute.

  2. Indeed, but I'm trying not to let her rely on that for future success (ESPECIALLY in Amherst)

  3. LOVE this video, Larry, especially when Jada waves to you -- us -- at the end. Great job!

  4. Hey, if you are not going to win you may as well look cute and wave to the crowd.

  5. Larry, such a nice video, and to think that something this nice, without the demonstrators, going on in Amherst. It looks like a good time, to be had, by all.
    Jada is so sweet, and you captured it perfectly, in your video.

    Until later..............
