Friday, August 15, 2008

Rainbow over The People's Republic


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. usually brighter is better, but I like the first one...

  3. Okay, you're the expert.

    First one it is (looking at them both this morning--that was my impression also)

  4. Sorry Larry, I keep waiting for the bolt of lightning to strike Town Hall. Biblical rage and all of that...

    Also interesting how the rainbow is over the Quabbin - aka Etna, Dana, Prescott & Greenwich. It really would be better for the state to have a round 350 towns & cities, to eliminate Amherst too and have UM administer it...

    Be careful what you ask for, folks...

  5. Great shot, Larry! Maybe you could post this on your blog permanently in the margin.

  6. Yeah, Anon every time I coordinate a flyover I suggest they use Town Hall for target practice but....

    Great idea Mary. I'll see if I can figure out how to do that. Heck, if the Town Manager can use blogger...
