Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Let the race begin (2 more take out papers)

Republican news article

Yeah, and I’m sure the Chicken Little Select Board will point to this and say their 3-2 last-second Gerrymandering was worth it, because now we will have a more competitive election.

Obviously neither of these two new candidates (AARP demographic) served in the Iraq War; and the Select Board went out of their way to champion just such a candidate.

I also hear from reliable sources that Isaac BenEzra is trying to garner behind the scenes support for Ms. Awad’s seat as well. So I guess that premeditated attack on me a few weeks ago at the Select Board meeting was his campaign kick off.

Since Ms Awad installed him as the J. Edgar Hoover King of ACTV maybe he’s doing it out of loyalty to the X-Czar. Or maybe he just never met a soapbox he did not relish.


  1. So, according to the Republican news article, Vladamir didn't know about the election until recently and he saw the date had been changed so he decided to run. If he can't keep up on local events like this why would anyone support him for Select Board. Not to mention he only has a 50% attendance rating for Town Meeting over all of his terms, and only around a 30% attendance record for the latest session of town meeting. Doesn't look like town government is something he pays attention to very much.

  2. i can't think of anyone in this town i would trust anymore...

    town meeting is bad and wrong....what kind of a govt has optional attendance?

  3. Mr. Kelley,
    I'm a Amherst native who has been out of the area for a time and now live in neighboring Hadley. Since my return, I've noticed many of your articles in the local papers (D.H. Gazette & Amherst Bulletin) are about anything and everything. It seems you're very passionate about the town polictical system. So much so you have this blog to back yourself up. I guess what I don't understand is why you don't run for the Amherst Select Board. As a town meeting member it looks like your "two cents worth" just doesn't travel very far unless you have a title. So maybe it's time for less talkin' and more walkin'! Could you or (anyone else) clairfy this for me.


  4. Actually I ran for SB five times...always did well, but never won.

    In fact, the very fist time I ran circa 1991 the Bully editor was impressed enough with my numbers that he offered me a paid position as Bulletin columnist--a position I held for 14 years.

    It was then that I learned the Bully Pulpit provided by a newspaper column was far more influential than being a SB member.

    And now I have found that a blog is even more powerful than a column.

    Although the two combined make a pretty effective barrage.

  5. Is it not time to evaluate the Town Manager on his last year? I heard the SB talking about it. Maybe the readers of this blog might have a few comments to add to his evaluation.

  6. Yeah, I think that showed up somewhere on Stephanie's slightly crusty blog.

    And it sounds like there actually is a FORM you can use (or maybe it's just the Illustrious Select Board that has access to the fancy FORM).

    Still, I believe they take "public comment" (not that they will listen to it).

  7. I have a 0.0% attendance for town meetings. If the town can't be bothered to actually mail stuff to my PO Box where I actually get my mail, well, then F*** them.....

    Town Meeting is a very expensive and quite sad JOKE that should be ended. Why anyone shows up sober to it is beyond me....

    And I WON'T go to it.....

  8. Off with your head! (at least I think that is pirate talk)

    Don't worry, Town Meeting is next on my extermination list.
